Subject: April 2017 Newsletter

Stop and Smell the Roses

Has anyone else been absolutely stunned by this incredibly gorgeous spring season? For us in Southern California, this has most definitely been a spring to remember. The rolling green hills. The rainbows of wildflowers. The puffy white clouds against the bright blue sky. Sometimes it feels as though I’m driving around the set of a movie. How can this be real? How are we so lucky? I find myself in awe these days, just being a witness to the natural beauty that surrounds us.

Last month we did some spring cleaning; we purified our hearts so that we could welcome a new season feeling mentally and emotionally clutter-free. So now that we’ve lightened our load, let us rest in this space of clarity and openness and just breathe in this newfound freedom.

Slow down. Spend some time alone. Be in silence. Get outside. Walk barefoot in the grass (or with boots in the snow!). Wade through the wildflowers. Look up at the sky. Find shapes in the clouds. Listen to the birds. Follow a butterfly. Breathe. Just BREATHE.

I talk about gratitude a lot. I even go as far as to say that if the only prayer we said was Thank you, that would be enough. We often give thanks for the people, things and experiences in our lives, but when was the last time you stopped, looked around, and expressed humble gratitude for the gift and honor of simply walking about this planet? Has it been a while? Let’s start today, and quite literally, stop and smell the roses.

April's Affirmation:  This month I choose to slow down, spend time in nature, and truly embrace the beauty that surrounds me. I honor and give thanks for the privilege I have to walk about the earth.
Coming Soon...
Ventura, California in June
Join me on Friday, June 2nd from 7 – 9p.m. in Ventura, California for a workshop on "Awakening Your Sixth Sense & Tapping Into the Spirit World." At this event, you will learn how to awaken and develop your psychic abilities and connect with your higher spiritual self. There will also be a guided meditation to help facilitate contact with the Other Side.

***Tickets are available HERE ~ reserve your spot today!***
As you know, Gary Quinn and I just wrapped up another book tour overseas, and we can never say THANK YOU enough to Sabine and Cindy Giger for hosting us in Zurich, and to Eifis Editore and Loretta, Leonardo, Laura, Davide, Elena, Mickey and Gabrielle for another incredible adventure in Italy. It looks like we are heading back in October, so stay tuned for updates!
My First Published Book: Life and Death

After 15 years of giving private sessions, I understand death, loss, grief and pain on all different levels. My first book Life and Death: A Medium’s Messages to Help You Overcome Grief and Find Closure is a testament to those who have been so brave to open up to me and share their losses, as well as their transformations from pain to closure. While those stories remain private, the underlying healing is the same for almost everyone—unconditional love—and this book will show you how to bring that love into your being when you need it most.

**Order your copy here and leave your personal review on Amazon letting us know how you liked it!**
My Book is Now Available in Italian!

I am proud to announce the new Italian translation of my book! You may purchase your copy online here, or you may purchase a signed copy in person at any of my scheduled events when I am back in Italy in October. More information to come!

Online Booking

Booking an appointment online just became easier with our new online booking system! Check it out here or call (626) 308-1614 for further assistance.
Recent Testimonials

"Tim is extraordinarily gifted... as a medium, a psychic and a teacher. He has provided much needed comfort and validation to myself as well as family and friends. I highly recommend him!" —Carol H.

"I highly encourage anybody reading this who has dealt with the loss of a loved one and has a thirst and curiosity of life after death, to please book a sitting with Tim Braun. He has completely changed how my family and I look at death. This is the GREATEST gift you can give yourself and your loved ones."  —Adam J.
Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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