We'd like to cordially remind you about our upcoming town hall, on which, you'll have a chance to meet our new CEO, hear updates on what happened at ThreatMark in Q4, and have a peek into our plans for 2022.
This town hall webinar is planned for Wednesday, December 8th, 2021 at 14:00 CET.
The agenda is set roughly as follows: Brief Introduction by Ota Cermak (Sales Director) Updates for Q4 2021 by Michal Tresner (Co-Founder, Chairman & CPO) Intro and future plans from Daniel Rawlings (our new CEO & President) Q&A session - a forum for you to ask questions and get feedback from the team
The webinar is planned for an hour, but the final duration depends on the participant questions and the discussion.
You can register for this webinar below: |