Subject: On FluBot Mobile Banking Malware—rapidly expanding & very damaging malware family

Hello Friend, 

FluBot mobile banking malware is rapidly gaining ground across Europe. 

Although it uses many of the tricks found in older malware families, the FluBot malware has made a lot of progress in just a handful of months, infecting many devices, spreading quickly and inflicting serious damage.

Our SOC team has dissected the FluBot malware exposing its modus operandi and advised on how to remove it from the infected devices. 

Discover more about the FluBot malware in the research report, here.

ThreatMark's clients can be at ease. Our technology successfully detects mobile devices infected with this malware and thus timely prevents any FluBot related fraud.

If you want to make sure your clients are safe & protected from the FluBot malware, reach out to me or write to

Best regards,

Nikola Kozuljevic

Marketing & Outreach Manager


ThreatMark  | Bringing Trust to the Digital World

