Subject: Here's the Recording of Class 4

Dear precious students,

Below is the link to the recording of the 4 in our series of 10 online classes. I want take a moment to thank each one of you for taking this journey into health and knowledge with me. It is a privilege to be working with you.

If you are so moved, would you take a moment to let me know what you think of the class thus far?

What specific ways can I improve the class?
What topics do you want me to cover?
How is the class helping you?
Anything else about the class you would like to share with me?

I look forward to your feedback.

Dr. Helen Thomas

Here's the Recording of the Fourth Class 

Just click the link below to go to the 
recording of the fourth class.

Helen Thomas, 2635 Cleveland Ave Suite 2, 95403, Santa Rosa, Ca, United States
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