Subject: Class Starts a Week From Wednesday

Learn Ayurveda from 
Dr. Helen Thomas
Please join me for my course in Ayurveda at Santa Rosa Junior College. The class is on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 beginning June 22 for 6 weeks

This class will be taught remotely through Zoom. You do not need to do anything special. Simply sign up for the class and a Zoom invitation will be emailed to you several days before the first class.

Its always a fun and lively class and the content is different every time, depending on the students.

Its easy to sign up. Justclick here or call the Community Education Department at 
707- 527-4372

Dr. Helen will cover basic concepts in Ayurveda, including:
  • The three body types of Vata, Pitta and Kapha and how to identify them according to Ayurvedic principles Healthy lifestyles for each body type
  • Daily regimens for each body type, including seasonal routines, dietary practices and exercise practices 
  • Five sense therapies for the various unique body types
  • The three types of digestive imbalances according to Ayurveda
  • Remedies for those imbalances
  • The Ayurvedic models of disease and wellness 
  • Ayurvedic cleansing practices.
To sign up,click herenow or call the Community Education Department at 707- 527-4372
To schedule an appointment call...
Helen Thomas, 2635 Cleveland Ave Suite 2, 95403, Santa Rosa, Ca, United States
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