Subject: just got this - radiation counts in LA are up
at least according to this one report...this was forwarded to me by Roy Gibbons in Pasadena--------
Date: Saturday, March 19, 2011, 6:17 AM
Regarding radiation measurements I've taken recently.
Radiation Counts are Up.....Info for folks in the Los Angeles Ca, San
Fernando Valley, Thousand Oaks (Anchor Ct) and surrounding areas re;
my recent background radiation measurements.
I've taken periodic radiation measurements, over past 24 months (~once
a week), I do this as a metrology hobby and am curious about the
environment in which I reside.
Instrument I use: 'Ludlem Mdl 3 Survey Meter' with 'Ludlum Mdl 44-7'
radiation probe, thin mica window, beta & gamma sensitive. Instrument
recently calibrated. Meter scale setting x 0.1, ie, raw count = 600 x
0.1 = 60 CPM (counts-per-minute). NOTE: Normal 'Background' radiation
is always present & is considered to be safe, the readings are very
low, are caused by things in nature, such as sun, distant stars, radon
gas, previous meltdowns, etc. **The radiation levels currently being
measured are also safe(?), however the readings are elevated.** One
might consider, covering food, rinsing dishes prior to use, frequently
washing hands and fingers, covering the kitty's & doggy's dishes, etc.
Typical background radiation during past 24 months (indoor & out)
measurements: (night) 20 ~ 40 counts, & during business hours, count
changes slightly to 30 ~ 60 counts.
Wednesday evening (03-16-2011, ~8:00pm PDT), count slightly rose to
~70 up to 80 counts (I have not seen background counts over 80 in the
past 24 month period). Thur morning the count was also elevated, ~70
up to 90 counts. Friday at noon count was ~60 peaking up to 200
counts and occasionally up to 240. Friday early evening (7:50pm PDT)
the counts dropped a little, in the ~40 to ~100 counts range.
Currently as I write this, Sat, 03-19-2011, 12:46am (PDT), the
counts-per-minute have dropped down to 20 ~ 60 counts, which is
nominal and is consistent with typical readings of the past 24 months.
It is also raining....
Potassium Iodide? READ first.
Subject: Potassium Iodide? READ first.
Date: Saturday, March 19, 2011, 9:40 AM