Subject: an important clarification on the last email concerning UFO technology

In the last email, it was indicated that the head a large company had access to advanced ET technology and it was made out in the article to be a positive things. For clarification, according to the information which I am aware of, it was not positive. I share this for the purpose of clarification and I don't recommend dwelling on it. There was exchange of technology from an advanced alien group with our govenrment. But the government made a huge concession for this technology. They agreed to allow abductions to take place in exchange, 


Please don't ask any questions about this on our Wednesday calls or emails to me. There is a lot of info on the web concerning this specific topic but I don't even recommend researching it. I just felt the need to clarify this because the implication in the article was that the ET's were positive. and that's not the info I have.. If ET's ever land in the guise of saving us, I'd be extremely careful/////////////////Wynn