Subject: Wynn Article - Where is the Love?



Before I started writing The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? and talking to "group souls" in other dimensions, I was writing articles every month for a Los Angeles metaphysical newspaper called The Messenger. I was deeply involved in my own self discovery and writing about how to untangle my own contractions into this realm. Here's one of those articles.........................Wynn

Where is the Love?

By Wynn Free


Love is the most elusive quality to find and have on this planet. I don’t necessarily mean romantic love. I’m referring to the love that expresses itself as joy and enthusiasm spontaneously radiating from your being. It’s something most of us have experienced for brief moments in our life, but how can that feeling become more familiar and more consistent?  Teachers, prophets, poets, gurus, and saviors have proclaimed the reality of love, yet most of us spend our time in separateness, alienation,  anger, and sorrow.


My own experience has certainly included all those qualities, sometimes to the extreme. Slowly I have begun the process of transforming them into the reality of the experience of self-love and compassion for others, so in the next few paragraphs, I will share some of my own discoveries of how this has worked for me.


The most profound realization for myself has been accepting the fact that everything is part of God’s creation, particularly myself, and all life is a manifestation of God, no matter how it presents itself. But there are an infinite number of realities under God’s umbrella, and each of us is given the free will to choose the level of reality we participate on. Except we usually don’t realize we’re making a choice. We just end up in a certain level of reality and are trapped by the rules of that level. Once your conscious self can comprehend that it works this way, you will have taken a major giant step in beginning your own transformation, taking personal responsibility for the negative realities that are engaging you and seem so real.


So the first step is the realization that the level of reality you are experiencing is a product of your own creation and it can change. The next step is self-observation – monitoring the thoughts you are having which are creating this negative reality. Some examples of negative reality thought forms could be, “Nobody likes me”, “I don’t deserve anything”, “I’m worthless.” As you observe these thoughts surfacing in yourself, consciously apply counteractive self-talk. Tell yourself that these thoughts are the product of habits and are not really true. Make an affirmation that is the opposite of the negative and repeat it to yourself. Instead of “Nobody likes me”, change it to “I am lovable”. Separate yourself from the people in your life that reinforce these negative thought forms. Life could be seen as a wall of mirrors where you attract others to you by the reality you are creating. There is a chasm, which must be crossed, sometimes referred to as the “dark night of the soul” where one is tested, where all these negative realities surface and tempt you to participate in them. One’s resolve has to be very strong to cross this chasm. But on the other side of this chasm is where the love is.