Subject: TODAY 🙂Wynn and Kimberly in San Fran area New Living Expo

TODAY 🙂Wynn and Kimberly in San Fran area New Living Expo

April 28th, 2019 at 2:12 pm EDT

last chance... WhenWynn's lecture (Terry will be there also. Expect to do a channeling)April 28th, This Sunday night 6PM WhereNew Living Expo San Mateo, Ca.www.newlivingexpo.comdirections at web siteSan Mateo Event Center1346 Saratoga Dr, San Mateo ...

Wynn and Kimberly in San Fran area New Living Expo

April 26th, 2019 at 1:06 pm EDT

WhenWynn's lecture (Terry will be there also. Expect to do a channeling)April 28th, This Sunday night 6PM WhereNew Living Expo San Mateo, Ca.www.newlivingexpo.comdirections at web siteSan Mateo Event Center1346 Saratoga Dr, San Mateo, CA 94403, USA ...

Wanna Wish Terry a Happy BirthDAY?

April 20th, 2019 at 10:04 pm EDT

Terry's Birthday Today Here'a 3 things to do.. Help us sing happy birthday at tonight's Whole Planet Healing 7:15 pm Pacific712 770 4340 250513# Send her an email Make a donation on her behalf

Help Keep Us on the Air

April 14th, 2019 at 12:43 pm EDT

Dear Friend First I want to thank you all for your ongoing support, listening to our shows, and, for many of you, having life changing experiences which we helped catalyze. We've gone through many phases on our shows. Carla Rueckert was my co=host on ...

10am Pac. - Healing - Very serious volcano - Mexico City

April 7th, 2019 at 12:56 pm EDT

This morning 10am Pacific: Call in 712 432 0075 940658#Listen on BBS radio - www.bbsradio.comreplay- 712 432 1085 940658#Listen on archives It's not in the news but there's the beginnings of a volcano which has the potentialt ...

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