Subject: Transcript-Wed. Q&A Call 01-02-2013-The Rubber is Meeting the Road in this New Year

Transcript-Wed. Q&A Call 01-02-2013-The Rubber is Meeting the Road in this New Year

January 14th, 2013 at 6:00 am EDT

The Rubber is Meeting the Road in this New Year Wednesday 01.02.2013Audio Link - Wynn FreeChanneled by Terry BrownTranscribed by Connie O'BrienEdited by Terry Brown and Valerie ...

Audio-Sunday Gridhealing 01-13-2013

January 13th, 2013 at 4:48 pm EDT Copyright 2002-2013 Wynn Free and Message a Day Thistranscription may be freely shared, provided this copyrightnotice and contact information is included and there is nocharge. ...

Audio-Wed BBS Call 01-09-2013--How Can I tell if I'm on the right spiritual path?

January 12th, 2013 at 11:11 pm EDT

How Can I tell if I'm on the right spiritual path? wed_channel_2013-01-09.mp3 Copyright 2002-2013 Wynn Free and Message a Day Thistranscription may be freely shared, provided this copyrightnotice and contact informa ...

Famous Science Fiction Writer Talking to the Elohim? - Monday BBS Call 2013-01-07 - Audio

January 8th, 2013 at 11:49 am EDT

mon_bbscall_2013-01-07.mp3 Copyright 2002-2013 Wynn Free and Message a Day Thistranscription may be freely shared, provided this copyrightnotice and contact information is included and there is nocharge. For more information please visit www.message ...

Transcript-Wed. Q&A Call 12-26-2012-- You are Co-Creating the Miraculous

January 8th, 2013 at 5:44 am EDT

You are Co-Creating the Miraculous Message a Day ArchivesWednesday Calls 2012 Q & A12.26.2012Host: Wynn FreeAudio Link - Channeled by Terry BrownTranscribed by Connie O'BrienEdited ...

Transcript-Monday Call 12/31/2012--Happy New Year with Carla and Wynn

January 7th, 2013 at 9:37 pm EDT

Happy New Year with Carla and Wynn Monday 12.31.2012Host: Wynn FreeAudio Link - Channeled by Terry BrownTranscribed by Connie O'BrienEdited by Terry Brown and Valerie HawesFormatte ...

Audio - Sunday Grid Healing - 2013-01-06

January 6th, 2013 at 11:32 am EDT

sun_gridhealing_2013-01-06.mp3 Copyright 2002-2013 Wynn Free and Message a Day Thistranscription may be freely shared, provided this copyrightnotice and contact information is included and there is nocharge. For more information please visit www.mes ...

Transcript-Monday Call 02/20/2012--How Saint Catherine Made a Difference

January 3rd, 2013 at 11:05 am EDT

How Saint Catherine Made a Difference Monday 02.20.2012Introductory Notes by Wynn FreeAudio Link - by Terry BrownTranscribed by Connie O'BrienEdited by Terry Brown and ...

Introductory message for 2013 from our sources - Audio - Wed Q/A Call 2013-01-02

January 3rd, 2013 at 8:13 am EDT

What is the purpose of my life..and if there is no purpose can you ask Elohim to pull my spirit out of my body?When I look up into the night sky..why do I feel there is someplace up there I want to be..and when I look down I feel depressed, why do I ...

Carla Rueckert and Wynn Discuss the Ra Material - Audio - Monday BBS Call 2012-12-31

January 1st, 2013 at 12:20 am EDT

mon_bbscall_2012-12-31.mp3 Copyright 2002-2012 Wynn Free and Message a Day Thistranscription may be freely shared, provided this copyrightnotice and contact information is included and there is nocharge. For more information please visit www.message ...

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