Subject: Transcript-Monday BBS Call-01-17-2011--Wynn, Terry and Carla Swap Paranormal Stories

Transcript-Monday BBS Call-01-17-2011--Wynn, Terry and Carla Swap Paranormal Stories

March 18th, 2013 at 7:44 am EDT

Wynn, Terry and Carla Swap Paranormal Stories Message a Day Archives Monday Conference Calls 1.17.2011 Audio: Host Wynn Free Transcribed by Connie O’Brien Edited by Terry Brow ...

Transcript-Monday BBS Call-02-06-2012--The Sources Talk about Terry and Saint Catherine

March 17th, 2013 at 6:48 pm EDT

The Sources Talk about Terry and Saint Catherine Message a Day ArchivesMonday Calls; 2012 Conferences2.06.2012Introductory Notes by Wynn FreeAudio Link - Wynn FreeChanneled b ...

Audio - Sunday Grid Healing 03-17-2013

March 17th, 2013 at 4:45 pm EDT

sun_gridhealing_2013-03-17 Health Disclaimer: All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of th ...

Transcript-Monday BBS Call-05-28-2012--Angel Talk with Carla and Terry

March 17th, 2013 at 11:27 am EDT

Angel Talk with Carla and Terry Message a Day ArchivesMonday Calls; 2012 Conferences5.28.2012Audio Link - Host: Wynn FreeGuest: Carla RueckertTranscribed by Connie O'BrienEdited by ...

Transcript-Wed Q/A Call-2012-04-11--- Take Action to Affect Your World

March 16th, 2013 at 9:18 pm EDT

Take Action to Affect Your World Message a Day ArchivesWednesday Calls; 2012 Conference4.11.2012Introductory Notes by Wynn FreeAudio Link - by Terry BrownTranscribed by A ...

Transcript-Wed Q/A Call-2012-11-14--- Ra’An Talks about Aspects of Healing One Another

March 16th, 2013 at 10:52 am EDT

Ra’An Talks about Aspects of Healing One Another Message a Day ArchivesWednesday Calls – 2012 Q & A11.14.2012Host: Wynn FreeAudio Link - Channeled by Terry BrownTranscribed b ...

Transcript-Wed Q/A Call-2012-11-21--Your Core Beliefs Direct Your Health

March 15th, 2013 at 3:09 pm EDT

Your Core Beliefs Direct Your Health Message a Day ArchivesWednesday Calls – 2012 Q & A11.21.2012Host: Wynn FreeAudio Link - Transcribed by Connie O'BrienChanneled by Terry Brow ...

Transcript-Monday BBS Call-12-24-2012--Christmas Eve with Daphne, Terry and Wynn

March 15th, 2013 at 5:38 am EDT

Christmas Eve with Daphne, Terry and Wynn Message a Day ArchivesMonday Calls 2012 Conferences12.24.2012Host: Wynn FreeAudio Link ‐ by Terry BrownTranscribed by Connie O ...

Transcript-Wed Q/A Call-2013-02-20--Focus Upon That Which You Would Receive

March 14th, 2013 at 10:01 pm EDT

Focus Upon That Which You Would Receive Message a Day ArchivesWednesday Calls; 2013 Conferences2.20.2013Introductory Notes by Wynn FreeAudio Link – by Terry BrownTransc ...

Audio-Wed Q/A Call 03-13-2013--Daphne and Terry Answer Questions

March 14th, 2013 at 1:20 pm EDT

If life is a series of successive moments of now, doesn't that imply time? And if there is no time such that everything is happening at once, how does a free will choice ever have a chance of being made? What is the inside center of the earth re ...

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