Subject: Transcript--Wed 01-26-11 Q/A --What's Really Going to Happen in 2012?

Thanks to Suzanne Hayes for transcribing.



                                                                 For Wednesday, January 26th  Ra'An


This is January 26th and this is our Wednesday question and answer call where we answer questions that you people submit. If you come into these calls often, there is an energy on the call and we think the energy is from the sources that we are communicating with, which are not just a voice but an energy that can connect into this realm and by being a regular participant, you can begin to connect with these energies and bring them into your own life. It's like having an energy friend in another dimension. The logical mind cannot understand that and when you are first on the call you are listening with your mind and trying to figure it out. I don't know if you'll ever figure it out because I can't figure it out and I'm doing it. I'm just a participant here also. I just show up and have learned that if I just show up the energy shows up also. This is not my energy that is doing this, I am just sort of like a facilitator.


(Wynn calls in the light)


Do our sources have an introduction?


Ra'An: Yes. This is Ra'An and we greet each and every one of you and of a group. We are connecting as we are speaking and this is January 26th, 2011 and it is our honor and joy to be with you this day in the time zones of Arizona mountain time and wherever and whenever an individual may be listening or hearing or reading the transcript. We are delighted to be with you. Do you have questions?


Wynn: Yes. We have a question from Michael which relates to our call Monday about karma and he was trying to understand a little better the idea of karma. His question is this: There seems to be more than one definition and concept of what karma means. There is the simple law of cause and effect, there's debt service and there is also the extent to which actions affect the soul learning process beyond the superficial level. I guess that last one is about separating trauma from karma. Karma is an eastern concept and we tend to make it more real and extensive by the amount of energy we invest into it here is the west. Could you give a little overview from your perspective of what karma is and how it works? He never actually brought this to a question so I am asking the question now.


Ra'An: Thank you. When we look at karma we look more at word lines not separate segments of karma is just one thing or another thing or it's a learning process or it's a cause and effect. We look at it more from a stand point that it has a whole wide variation of possibilities where an individual is living in a lifetime and they make a decision. They see things in a certain way and then they come to believe that the life in the third dimension, and they don't think about it as life in the third dimension, they just see it as life; life is a certain way and this may not all be the way life is if they were to change their perspective, as when a person say is traumatized then it orients them and slants them towards the object of the trauma and they tend to color their surroundings; their view of things through the slant of the orientation that they took on and then, when they move into another lifetime, they carry this orientation. By so narrowing their spectrum of how they look at the world around them, they have missing frequencies in what and how they connect with the world around them and they specifically screw themselves down into these missing frequencies to limit themselves to view the world within the orientations that have gotten their focus. So there are as many wide ranges of karma as there are individual ways of looking at things. However, in general it is an orientation an individual has taken on and then must work through. Generally when an individual has a traumatic incident, that colors their whole hologram and they expect the world to be that way and the people to act that way, so you get all manner of reactive responses to things that are going on, based upon what they are coloring their surroundings; their hologram with, based upon a localized view of something that happened back on the track.


Let us look further in the area of karma. People can use karma to grow and to observe themselves and see what they are bringing forth in their lifetime. It can be a doorway to pass memories and pass lifetimes. It can be a doorway to future growth. It can have a overriding scene, where the individual is looking for information, perhaps something that they have have limited their frequencies, perhaps slightly a higher density and they are trying to figure out. They don't even know consciously that they have done this but they only know that they used to be more free or there is a more free way of being so they may go specifically go into areas of karma to teach them more about that area so they can learn what are the parameters of this lack of freedom that they are experiencing so they can break through and how they can free themselves up and then they can step out of old bindings that these situations they have taken on themselves and limited their abilities and taken on ideas from others and limited their responses. That is our answer.


Wynn: Thank you.

A question here is from Gary Davidson about Andromeda Galaxy. He wants to know if it is older than the Milky Way and did have a role in seeding our galaxy and maybe you could just take that as a opening to tell us a bit about Andromeda and about the consciousness of beings that exist in that galaxy.


Ra'An: There are beings in the Andromeda galaxy who reside on planets which are much more open and loving and less economically distressed and less economically distraught than other areas. People have perfected in one area the ability to trade and they have not gone the extra step of money but have an unique distribution system which allows individuals to hook up that need different things and this is more direct and satisfying. Individuals on some planets in Andromeda have free trade between planets and it is a great event to bring planetary goods to their planet and they look forward to the coming of the space ships and the trading with them of the goods. There is always an excitement to see what is available. There is not such a warlike atmosphere as some of the traumas that has affected individuals on earth continue to play out and there was not such traumas on these various places on Andromeda. We see that subconsciously that Andromedans are leaders and are very wise and they even though they are so far away, they are close because really all is one and even one individual who senses love and can give love, lend a little bit to all to raise the potential of all to experience love. So planets in Andromeda system are raising the tone of other areas.


Wynn: Tell me. Have the Andromedans experienced three D life like in our dimension?


Ra'An: Yes


Wynn: So the Andromeda galaxy is one of those places where, once you graduate from this realm, you might have a choice to go there for a more pleasant experience?


Ra'An: Yes. One would be to graduate this realm, however, because there is an electrical interference band around the earth that makes it difficult to move out of the earth range. One might call it a frequency fence that would keep individuals in. They experience that and they come back and work out their karma within the earthly sphere. Would they graduate and experience the love-light, they may move into the less dramatic but more loving atmosphere of these planets in Andromeda.


Wynn: So could one say that Andromedans are basically service to others?


Ra'An: In general but it does not apply across the board.


Wynn: Are the Andromedans aware of us and what is going on in planet earth and what is going on in our graduation process?


Ra'An: It is more the Elohim and the Ra Group and individuals such as our groups that are working with dharma that are concerned and raising the tone of earth directly and it is the Andromedans are involved with their own lives there and they only know indirectly of those in the 3rd density on earth.


Wynn: Do the Elohim and the Ra Groups work directly with the Andromedans. Are they aware of these two groups?


Ra'An: We work with anyone who can sense us and feel us and ask for us. We work with anyone.


Wynn: So are they asking. In their consensus reality of Andromedans in general are they aware and asking?


Ra'An: There are beacons of light that are asking and are connected and we view them as jewels of radiant light. It is a small number but they stick out among the rest.


Wynn: So the Andromedans are in general service to others and in general very involved in their interactions with each other and even among them, in the majority of people there is still not a direct connection with the group souls.


Ra'An: There are a few jeweled souls like columns of jewels, like beaming, radiating as beacons for examples of challenges of how to evolve. There are beacons like that who have chosen to go into Andromeda to make themselves available for the betterment of the Andromedans and these individuals are not so put upon as some of the masters that come to the earth realm and many of the masters that come to the earth realms experience difficulty and opposition, however since the opposition is not so prevalent in those realms the beings are able to shine more freely than in the earth density.


Wynn: Do the Andromedans go through the graduation process to get to the next dimension? What dimension are they operating out of?


Ra'An: There are Andromedans in 3, 4 and 5 D and some 6 and some of the jeweled operators are in 8.


Wynn: Thank you so much. Now we are going to go from Andromeda to drugs. We have a question from Terry in Florida who has a son and her son is forty years old and has a horrific drug problem since he was a teen. He tries, he cries but something always gets to him and he give in again, almost like he is possessed, taken over like a walk-in. Could there be a healing or at least some answers for him and myself as to what to do. He is in the midst of a binge right now. What can Terry do, and is there something that can be done in the higher realms?


Ra'An: We generally take questions of individuals who are asking because if they are asking they have the intention, so if your son was asking, he would have the intention and there would be something to grab onto and hold on but as we look at this situation, we do see that he does have the desire, however, there is something that takes him over and it is an answer about something that takes him over to be able to put inside so it may find expression. This is a circumstance of an opposition of wills and he is fighting at the time he is under the influence and the influence that has taken him over feels that when he is on drugs it subdues him and it makes it easier for the influence to take over and the influence is winning at that time and the son sort of gives into it in the good feeling of the drugs. We have looked at the first layer of the situation here. It is a danger for a soul to do drugs in that it makes them subdued and it is easier for them to be taken over and there is a contrast of wills. We need to take a look at this over a short period of time as the influences are strong and working at this moment. We see the influence of the drugs in the system and it is affecting the individual and allowing for the influence of take over and your question is how can you help? It is a difficult circumstance. One of the things you can know is that this is his fight. As a son you love him dearly and wish to do whatever you can and you may daily as you think of your son and view your son's frequency, not any other influences, your son's own in self being and send love-light and strength to your son. Ask us to send love-light and strength to your son as we are doing now in this moment, you and I and we are moving the situation and making it more readily available for the son to kick the influences. If the son can realize the true situation and be strong, although this can be very difficult based on the opposition to this and then there is the desire based upon the opposition to take the drugs. He does have the will to kick the drugs. We will meditate on this but we hope this has shared some information and you, yourself have intuition about this which is correct and we suggest the exercise to send love-light and envision your son becoming stronger and we will also so this. That is our answer.


Wynn: Thank you.

Our next question is from J because it's a personal question. Also, let give a disclaimer here, that when we bring an answer forth its up to you to discern whether that answer fits or not and if you are listening and you have a similar issue the answer might be different for you and you will have to use your own judgment and evaluation to see if that's true. If we talk about anything that has to do with health then please see your doctor. We are not licensed for any kind of practitioning but sometimes energies from other realms can help bring balance into this realm so some times that happens but again use your own discernment and apply your own criteria.

So this question is from J in Finland who is married and loves his wife. His wife, he says, loves him and is understanding of him and never does anything to hurt him and respects him deeply. He calls her a wonderful blessed being and in some ways he says it makes him feel worse that he cannot return it to her in full joy for her happiness. He is having the experience that when his wife is spending time with other people he is very jealous and he wants to be able to clear this. She is not having relationships with people, just having friends. He says it would be awesome if they(The Ra'An) to send their love-light to their relationship and to us and cut any discordant chords or karma or negative attacks which we might not be aware of consciously and that caused this. He goes on to say: I have asked this of them myself but the last time you asked my question and I read the answer. I felt the presence more stronger and a new thrust of energy going through my being and I felt a great release and blissful more than I have felt compared to invoking that by myself. Maybe my connection with them is not as strong yet as it could be and that is why I want to create a better link to shine their love in this realm.

So that is the question. How can he overcome this jealousy and how can he connect with the energies which he is really sincerely trying to do?


Ra'An: Thank you. We send you love-light. We send love-light to the place that hasn't had enough love, that feels danger, that the love you might have, might leave or go away. When the love-light is directly focused upon you; the beautiful attention, it moves through your hologram, it moves through you, through your emotional body, through your soul, through you mind and you are a composite being and you have different parts and parts of you feels that there is some kind of a threat that the love might go away and it feels so good when the love is radiating on you. It is something that you need, these frequencies and we are sending different frequencies right now to those areas of your being that need this love. We send a frequency bundle of love-light to help break up the intense feeling of unloved and we say that any past instance where it has been made you feel that you are less than worthwhile, should be dispensed with, and that you begin to feel at a very deep level that you can receive love-light. We do this with you and you can listen to the tape more than once and to move the love-light through you and let you know all is ok and you can let go any feeling of not being worthy and you can sense even for an instant the feeling of being totally wholly cared for and love that will be a reference point for you to feel more of it in the future. When you yourself feel loved and worthwhile then you can receive love, and reflect it. If you do not feel love then it is like a black hole that you wish it to come in, come in, come in and then you lose it when it doesn't come in. You need to radiate it through your own self, generate it within your own self, give it to your own self and then you can move more freely in and out of your relationship. We hope this is clear. Work with it and feel free to ask more questions.


Wynn: Thank you.

Lisa in San Francisco asked a question last week about her Lupus and the indication is that she should talk further with Terry and Wynn. I am looking for the question. She has Scleroderma.


Ra'An: While you are looking for the question we would suggest looking at things within your own body. If feels that they are raising the electrical potential within your body, for when you raise the electrical potential of your thyroid; of your pituitary, of your glandular system, of your thymus. As we are talking, picture the electrical potential raising. Your relationship to others taking a new turn so you are more on top of it. You feel connected and in control. Picture your endocrine system expressing electrical control over your body and picture it warding off pathogens that are in your blood. Picture these pathogens leaving. Picture if you have a relationship with another, for instance when you speak with another, picture yourself as equal, as being able to move into leading and having the ability to maintain your electrical potential within your whole system, in relationships, in communications.


Wynn: With my sister, we did the cheer up committee and I told her jokes and I made her repeat that to the nurses. Was the act of doing that increasing her electrical potentials?


Ra'An: Yes it was. It was establishing her in a position of intermediary control of her environment within the hospital and instead of being the effect of the interplay with the nurses, she began to get playing feedback from the nurses which put her and the nurses on a somewhat equal playing ground so she raised her potential in her ability then to heal and to move the pathogens off and we also helped and it all worked towards moving your sister out of the range where our group could have an effect.


Wynn: Thank you.

A question from Sylvia.

What would trigger a person who has obsessive compulsive disorder behavior and how could I work with that.


Ra'An: It is a very good feeling to be obsessive about some action or about something and a grounding experience in that when one completes a cycle, one can know that one has accomplished something. So to unilaterally move with the intention with the one track attention towards completing something and moving everything else out of the focus. That is one of the reasons why an individuals can engage in that behavior and another one is based upon last life rituals. It is felt that it is so important to stay within the parameters of the obsessive behavior that if one moves out of that behavior, one has disastrous results. So what can you do? You can examine, any time you get that sense within yourself that you are obsessively treating an issue. Then just observe it. Don't be hard on yourself, just observe it. See what happens. What is the payback for having this behavior so at this point we recommend observation of your behavior as you know that your behavior is limited so you have a bit of a hold on it by just knowing that. Then take it a step further. What is your pay-back, what makes you feel good by moving into this and what are the fears if you do not engage in that behavior?


Wynn: Thank you.

The next question is about 2012. Surely they know what is going to happen, even the elite know but they won't tell us. I am sure that is true, because it's all about possibility vortices. The question is, can you share what will happen in 2012 if anything?


Ra'An: We look at probability vortices as you speak and we can give you some parameters. As the earth moves into direct alignment with the center of the galaxy that you are in, as it moves into direct connection with the black hole at the Hunab Ku, which is the center of the galaxy, this puts stress and extra particles of energy in-steaming against your solar system and against your sun in particularly and your sun is building up a front loading of energy and particles that it is coming across in it's travels through this part of the spoke of the galaxy. As it moves into direct connection more directly it puts more pressure upon the solar system and the sun and you notice that there are different changes going on in the solar system. Different planets are heating up. Ice packs within the planets are melting, even the planets themselves are getting more of a glow. The whole solar system is being placed under stress and this has been kicking up more earthquakes as the planet is moving more in alignment so the sun is picking up more stresses. For a while it burned darkly as the solar flares were suppressed, however, it is beginning to release in bursts, pressure that have built up on the other side of the sun. This will continue to increase and if you can get a large enough group of people and we can help in this and you can ask us for this. We have some control and you have some control over outcomes in that your envisioning your life's path influences the outcomes. The way the universe is made it is collective and it is in-streaming and out-streaming and it is visionary and it is global and holographic, and so masters and indeed yourself and all humans can have some effect over the outcome by changing the vision. That changes the holographic outcome by changing the vision. That changes holographic factors.


Wynn: So for example, Team Shift and our Sunday conference calls are things we can do as a group to help that, yes?


Ra'An: Yes


Wynn: I should just say that if anyone is interested in Team Shift go to and sign up and there is a daily call of a few people that get to know each other and call in the light together and help bring in the higher energies on a daily basis. For those who have been participating, it has been very effective in holding their energy high and although we can't see it, it's also effective in shifting patterns that can make this transition easier.


ok. Next question will be our last question for tonight.

This is from Al who is Connie's husband in Missouri. He wants to know if any of his medical conditions might be enlightened. Symptoms include, rapid heart beat, and elevated blood pressure when not at rest. Tinintus in both ears, pretty steady amplitude in the higher frequencies and he's had this as long as he can remember. Cholesterol is elevated but not real extreme. Cold feet and hands and a hard time getting to sleep. Can you share anything with him about his symptoms and how he can improve them. Remember this is for Al, this may not be for you and even Al should just take this and work within himself and see if it resonates.


Ra'An: When you go to sleep, the best hours for sleep for the re-establishment of the hormones within the body are ten o'clock to two o'clock in the morning. You should be in total darkness after that time. After 7 o'clock at night do not eat heavy things. Keep it to water or light soups that your body then can deal with during the sleeping hours. You may have to get some very high quality melatonin to help jump start the sleep cycle. Dr. Marshall sells very high quality melatonin and it only takes a little bit, a few drops under the tongue. The sleep cycle will then help re-establish your body cycles. Your dream cycles will help move through situations that are attempting to be worked out through your dreams. This period of sleep will re-establish and refresh the body. There are thing nutritionally to keep in mind to move the body into more nutrition. Super foods such as lecithin, spirulina, and sea salt is very important which your body can use to make hydrochloric acid to digest your food. We look at the weather and the coldness in the winter. It is harder to re-establish at this time but upping the nutrition may help and you may want to get some food grade iodine to help your system. Those are our preliminary comments.


Wynn: Ok we are going to close this session as we are running a little over for time. Would you like to makes some closing comments?


Ra'An: We take leave of you and we are available to you and we are so appreciate of each and every one of you. We are family. Adonai.


Wynn: Thank you very much and thank you all for being here. Thank Terry and all the volunteers who are doing transcriptions and we hope we see some of you on the Sunday grid healing. A special hello to everyone who is listening to the replays, downloading the replays and reading the transcripts. On that note we will say goodnight.







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Channeled information is not meant to be believed blindly. Sometimes information may bleed through from the conscious mind of the channel. It is possible that a negative Source may interfere. Apply your own discernment, take only what resonates and discard the rest. An answer to a question is meant for the person asking the question and you have the privilege of listening in because sometimes you can gain insights from the answer. However,  even though the circumstances may be similar, do not merely assume the answer applies to you.. This is not meant to replace seeing your doctor, dentist or any alternative practitioner.  Some people get healings here, so you can be open to it.