Subject: Our Radio Station - BBS - BURNED DOWN

BBS Radio in Paradise California totally burned

As some of you know, we have been broadcasting on BBS radio 3 times a week for a number of years. When BBS first launched, I had one of the first three shows to be broadcast. 

BBS is the creation of two brothers, Don and Doug Newsome. It's been their dream to do an Internet Broadcasting Station that would give people the opportunity to hear "alternative" information outside of the mainstream and they have been very successful at giving various out-of-the-box people, like myself, a venue to keep their materials before the public. 

It just so happened they were located in Paradise, California and, after the recent fire, they lost everything, lucky to get out of dodge with their lives. 
So Let's Help Them Get Up and Running again. Someone started a Go Fund Me on their behalf and they've already raised 18,000 of the 25,000 needed to purchase the bare minimum to function. Their goal is to be back on the air in a couple weeks. Our Group can get them over the top. 

If this resonates with you, please make a donation:

If you're one of those who listened to our calls on BBS Radio, you can still easily access them by calling into our conference line. 

You can also access the replays to our calls on our archive site - They are usually posted within 24 hours.

                                   Blessings ... Wynn

Book Talk, 1308 E colorado 593, Pasadena, Ca 91106, United States

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