Subject: Nikola Tesla and manipulating energy

Hi Friend,

Have you heard of the famous scientist Nikola Tesla?

He is the father of modern electricity… and a respected peer of Albert Einstein.

Tesla is credited for over 300 patents that are used in a wide variety of electrical devices we use today.

Some of his ‘crazy’ inventions are still highly classified by the military.

He was a revolutionary of his time… he also knew that modern day frequencies are detrimental to our health:

“If you could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered with our bodies, we would have
greater resistance toward disease.” Nikola Tesla

Frequencies can indeed make you sick… but they can also be used to make you healthy again.

"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Nikola Tesla

Acupuncture is based on the manipulation of energy. Vibrating frequencies are a non invasive way to manipulate that energy… 

Acu-Frequency is a new means to reap the incredible benefits of acupuncture at home - without the needles!

Using therapeutic frequencies with the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), you can get fast relief from a long list of pains and ailments - in the comfort of your own home.

And it only takes 3 minutes a day!

==> Check out this short video that explains how it works <==

This method has been used to treat a ton of different ailments such as:

- Chronic back pain
- Couples finally falling pregnant
- Reversing high blood pressure
- Curing insomnia
- And relieving depression
- this is just the tip of the iceberg…

Acu-frequency is like hitting your body's natural ‘reset button’…

Which unleashes a rapid healing response that you can rely on whenever you need it.

==> Watch the video now while it’s still live <==

I hope you find it as useful as I have.

Your friend,

Jocelyn Wayne