Subject: hmm... I think I was wrong on this one

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I thought crypto was hard. Especially for beginners.

Heck, I always thought that if you wanted a snowball’s chance in that hot place, you needed to be a certified genius…

A pocket-protector-wearing math or computer geek — willing to stare at your computer screen all day long.


I thought IF you wanted to pull money out of the markets…

IF you wanted to be a successful crypto trader…

- FIRST you’d have to learn whatever secret patterns traders look for in the market charts…

- THEN you’d have to stare at your screen all day, looking for patterns, crunching numbers — and watching out for false flags…

- And FINALLY, you’d hold on tight while you traded based on squiggly lines and numbers — praying to the market gods you got it right.

But NO.

Dan Hollings proved that all DEAD-WRONG during his webinar on Tuesday night, didn’t he?

He proved it’s not nearly that hard to start generating income from the current crypto markets.

>>> You can still watch the replay here (check it out today)

It’s nothing like I thought, either.

When I look at all those wiggles up and down on the market charts…

And try to GUESS where the market might go next…

First, my brain melts a little…

Because NOBODY knows the future, right?

But you don’t have to know the future.

You don’t have to be a math genius or computer whiz, either.

You just have to set up your personal bots the way Dan recommends.

Then you can close your computer — you don’t even have to look at the charts! (It runs online, your computer can be shut down.)

Heck, Dan said he walks his dog Skippy…

Or sits on the couch and riffs on his guitar.

That’s not hard work at all.

Meanwhile, his bots are using all the market’s little wiggles — which can happen constantly, 24/7 — to spit out tiny profitable trades, one after the other.

As folks watched Dan show this, I’m sure they thought…

That’s EASY!

Can you even call what Dan does trading?

I mean, the bots are the traders. The bots do the hard work. He just sets them up and proceeds to “do nothing” — and enjoys the passive income they generate.

It’s definitely NOT the kind of hard work I thought it was.

>>> Is it easy or hard? Stream the replay here, and you decide

Check the timer on that page for the replay “expiration.”

It’s coming down soon. Make sure you finish the replay before then.

In the meantime, I’m rethinking “hard” work,

Kris Harpers

* Results are based only on the experiences of a small number of individuals. You should not construe any such information as investment, financial, or other advice. Your experience may be affected by your invested capital, background, education, and/or experience, as well as external factors beyond your control. You understand it’s impossible to know actual results of participants, but average returns are likely more moderate. To be clear, your returns, if any, will vary and will probably not be as high as those described above.

Note: We may receive commissions (at no additional cost to you) when you click our link(s) and make a purchase. However, this does not impact our belief in the quality of the products we recommend.

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