Subject: 😎Are You Applying These Powerful Keyword Research Hacks? (Powerful)

Are People Successful With The Super Affiliate System Program? Check this out... 
Online Affiliate Marketing Secrets Training Series

"Sometimes Later Becomes Never. Do It Now."
Hi Wealth Seekers!

There's no way around it - keyword research is the
foundation of every good affiliate marketing business. It
doesn't matter if you're an organic search guru or a PPC
baron, you'd better be able to pinpoint the keywords that
matter and become competitive for them as fast as

I'll admit that when I got started, keyword research
was always at the bottom of my to-do list. I almost never
seemed to get to it on time. That's obviously changed over
the years, because to be a true super affiliate, you'd
better have some fantastic keyword lists.

So, for all the marketers out there who don't know
where to start with their keyword research or who do but
dread doing it, here are some tips that I've been using
for some time now to great effect.

Basic Research

To get started, you need to do some basic research. You
probably have a very rough idea of what people are
searching for - the simple keywords that every good
marketer pinpoints early on. But, that initial list is the
same as brainstorming for a novel. Sure, you have a rough
outline, but you still need to sit down and write the

I like to get started in the Google Keyword Tool - it's
free, easy to use and has a decent amount of data to draw
from. Like most free keyword tools it's not 100% accurate
and is based on PPC data, so if you're working on an
organic campaign, it's not going to be exactly what you're
looking for, but it's a good start.

To get started, visit 
You need to have a Google Ads account to do this. Just 
create one for free and sign up for Free via the link above.
Once you signed up, sign in and go to the Keyword tool 
inside your Google Ads account. It is located under Tools.
Click on Tools and Keyword Planner.
In Keyword Planner enter a basic term or phrase into the 
search tool. You can enter multiple terms, but for now, 
just one will do. I'll use "lose weight" as an example. 
The top level of search results will be terms that use 
the basic term, and will include things like:

* How to lose weight * Lose weight fast * Lose belly

These terms are all directly related to the term and
give you more options to build your list. Look for the
Global Monthly Search Volume to get an idea of how many
searches this term gets each month.

Unless you're developing a PPC campaign, ignore any
local search volume data that Google gives you. Also
ignore the competition data as this relates to
advertising. You just want to know how many people are

Next, scroll down a bit and see what "additional
keywords to consider" Google has selected. These are
syntax related terms and might include phrases like:

* How to burn fat * Weight loss tips * Get thin fast *
Muscle building tips

Basically, terms that tend to show up with the phrase
you searched for originally will appear here. These are
not necessarily terms you will all use, but you can get a
lot of ideas this way. Your goal should be to create a
list of any terms you think someone would search for when
they are trying to solve the weight loss problem. Later,
we'll narrow down to specific keywords that help you.

Forums and In-depth Research

Another great way to find keywords is to go to industry
specific pages, like forums, and search for terms that
relate to questions or problems that people have in this
niche. Forums are good because they represent a hub of
data where users will search for solutions to particular

For example, if you were to visit a weight loss and
dieting forum, you might find specific body locations and
muscle groups that people are targeting, like:

* Pectoral fat burning * Get rid of fat on obliques *
Build bigger quads

These terms may not have popped up immediately because
they are a bit too specific. Another great way to create
lists of more specific industry terms is to analyse
competitor pages. Which keywords are your competitors
using to boost their own pages?

Tools like Traffic Travis (available from allow you to input URLs and get
keyword reports on how a site is optimized. You can also
search for sites or keywords in the ad analyse to see
which terms are being used with Google Ads.

Best Kinds of Keywords

Okay, so now you have a good general idea of what
keywords you'll be using. What about the actual terms you
should be targeting. I have a small listing of terms I
like to use as often as possible. How you optimize will
depend on your strategy, but if you're doing PPC, you
pretty much have to have lists for these particular terms:

* Author Names - If you're promoting info products on
weight loss products, you can find keywords related to the
authors of those info products. Check your affiliate
program's rules to determine if you're allowed to do this,
but most vendors will be perfectly happy to let you. More
commissions for you means more profits for them.

* Product Names - Along the same lines, product names
are highly successful conversion tools. Most people, when
searching for a specific product name, are looking for
reviews, or final justification before a purchase. Volume
is lower, but you're getting leads that are much more
likely to convert.

* Buy Phrases - Find keywords with terms like "buy",
"order", "purchase", or "download". If you have that, plus
a product name or author name, you can almost guarantee
the prospect is ready to make a purchase. These keywords
have far fewer searches, but are worth 10-100 times more
than a standard product related keyword.

* Crisis Keywords - These are keywords related to a
crisis that your searcher may be in. For example, many
people search for gardening advice, but if they're in a
crisis, their search is much more urgent.

Keywords then might include "cure blight", "kill pests
on tomatoes", or "tomatoes won't grow". These are
specific, immediate problems that they'll buy a product to

* Product Related Keywords - General keywords related
to a product niche are still valuable, but can be a little
more dangerous. You need to be more careful here in
general. Here you'll find things like "how to", "lessons",
"online", etc - terms that relate to getting advice, but
with less urgency.

* Long Tails - Finally, if you're doing PPC or creating
an authority site, using long tail keywords can really
boost your performance. For example, if you're writing
about dog training, you can add the dog breeds to
beginning of each keyword - instantly creating 200
longtails for each base keyword you have.

For example, someone might search for "fix golden
retriever aggression" and someone else might search for
"fix poodle aggression". Those are both specific longtails
and can be extended as much as is needed to get your

Keywords are the currency of any good affiliate
marketer. You want traffic? You need to find the words
people are searching for and become competitive for them.
So, before you ever start marketing any of your new niche
products, spend some time researching, building lists, and
analysing the keywords.

Check with tools like Google and Traffic Travis, check
to make sure there is volume, and always check your
competitors to see what they're optimized for. If you do
it right, you should be able to create a huge list of
potential gold keywords.

Don't just find the right keywords - know exactly how
to put them to use. Super Affiliate System will give you the
edge when it comes to tapping robust streams of traffic
for free, using your massive new keyword lists.

===> <===

Super Affiliate System is a beginner to advanced step by step 
over the shoulder affiliate marketing system that walks
you through the development of a successful affiliate
marketing business. 

From your first site in phase one to the leveraging of free 
traffic in the more advanced phase to spend less time and 
create more sites, this training system is loaded with content 
from start to finish in hours of videos, pages of manuals, 
resources, and assets that you can deploy (John
shows you how to set everything up inside the
video training) as well as countless free tools,
a great community, and killer support. 
Don’t miss out on learning from this amazing guy --
you’ll get some of his best stuff here for free. It’s a no-brainer, really!

Sent with 💖 by
Kyrsten Ohara (The Invested Girl)

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Please send all your questions to and I will
personally help you out with any issue you might be having concerning my Bonuses and/or the Super Affiliate System program.

I will get your questions answered. I have very good relations with John and his team so no matter what you are asking, I am able to get to him and his team very quickly. So please ask your questions and send them to Just make
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I've spent A LOT of time searching for the absolute best, highest quality products and services online.

I only recommend products I've purchased, reviewed and used myself. I share those findings with my family, friends, and newsletter subscribers, too, and if
you purchase a product based on my recommendation, I might earn a commission. 

Again, I only recommend high quality products.