Subject: 🤣 (Jokes Inside) Why do some hodlers sleep like a baby?

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Hi {!firstname_fix}


The story goes like this…


A frightened Bitcoin hodler calls a fellow investor and asks if he’s worried at all about the volatility of Bitcoin these days.


The friend replies that of course, he’s worried! In fact, he says that he’s sleeping like a baby.


The frightened Bitcoin investor is amazed.


"Really? Even with all the fluctuations?"


"Yup! I sleep for a couple of hours, and then I wake up and I cry for a while."




…I know another guy who sleeps like a baby too, even with all that volatility.


That’s because he uses his automated bot. It buys a little when it goes down and sells a little when it goes up.


Here’s Day 15 of my demo bot. You can see how much money you

can make hands-free.



You can see that some bots are as old as 16 days ago, while some are only from 5 days ago.


This bot spits out crypto to a separate wallet which you can take out at any time.


It’s like getting paid rent money every month.


If you’re interested in passive income, you want to grab this before it’s gone.


Join The Plan with exclusive bonuses here


Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


Kris Harpers

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