Subject: Thank you for your purchase of "The Credit Matrix" by Justin Brimage


Thank You For Your Pre-Order!



Congratulations On Taking The First Step To Repairing Your Credit


Your Order Confirmation

Hey Friend

Thank you for Pre-Ordering The Credit Matrix ! 

Here's the link to my D.I.Y Credit Repair E-book !! Use the password: Matrix2021

I'm so grateful for your support & can't wait to see how you use this information to help you grow. Once again, thanks for taking action.

If you want more free valuable resources and tips follow me on Instagram!

 ****LEGAL DISCLAIMER**** Note this file has a custom code and once its downloaded its yours. Please note it only allows one download. If the file is shared it automatically deactivates your file. Which means you wont have an e-book nor will the person who you attempt to share the copy written work. This is discussed in our TOS Terms of Service.

PS: Due to the digital nature of the information and the value that you’ll receive on our product, we DO NOT offer any refunds. If you have any questions, please do so by emailing us at


As promised for your Pre-order here are all the credit repair letter templates mentioned in the book thank you!