Subject: Well, that escalated quickly!

Hello All!

I hope you're having a great weekend so far!

I'm sending this message to you today, because there's been a lot of drama generated by a negative review posted on our Trust Pilot page.

And because so many of you have emailed us to say how upset you are with whoever left the review, I feel it's important to take a moment and address this for all of our members.

On that note: We certainly appreciate the outpouring of support that we've received from all of you.

Your loyalty and encouragement is certainly valued - we have the best members in the world!

But because so many of you wrote in - I felt it would be best to send a mass email to everyone - rather than trying to answer the same questions over and over with individual emails.

So with that in mind, I've listed what most of you have been asking & I've done my best to provide some answers:

Question: Did the person reach out to you before posting the review?
Answer: No they didn't contact us before the review was posted.

Question: Is this person actually a member, Julia said that she couldn't find them listed as a member.
Answer: We had a quick look at the signed member agreements that we received from everyone, and we didn't notice anyone by that name. Now, that could be for a few reasons: the member name might not match the name on the account they paid with, there could have been a mistake made when we saved the membership agreement, or there is the outside chance that they aren't a member. So there is certainly the possibility that we've made an error.

Question: If this review is damaging your reputation, can it be removed?
Answer: Ultimately, that would be up to the person who wrote the review to remove it. We have no control over which reviews are posted or removed as it is Trust Pilot's website.

Question: If you find out who the person is, can you give me their email address so I can....
Answer: While we appreciate your loyalty and desire to help defend our reputation, we cannot give out their contact details once we determine who left the review.

Anyways, I know many of you have had a lot of questions regarding this and hopefully this helps to provide a few answers.

Negative reviews are never good - and they can certainly damage your reputation online, putting our business and service at risk - but regardless of what comes of this, we will continue doing everything we can to provide as much value for our members as possible.

Because we have the best members in the world!

I hope you have an incredible weekend and we wish you success in everything you do!
Brett Davison