Subject: New Trades Coming - Undervalued Gold & Precious Metals 🚀

Well, we are continuing to grow and develop here inside The Empirical Collective.

And as an exclusive member, I wanted to send you a quick email about just one of the new things coming.

First of all, we feel that in the next few years, there is a big shift coming in the financial market.

And with this shift, we feel there will be a large sector rotation that happens.

In this rotation, we feel that precious metals - especially gold and silver - will experience a big increase in value.

And in order to take advantage of this, we have been putting together a portfolio consisting of stocks poised to increase exponentially.

Now, typically access to information like this would cost you about $2500/year.

But as a current member of The Empirical Collective, you will be receiving access to this information as part of your membership with no additional cost. The High Society has been toiling away behind the scenes, uncovering what we feel are some of the best undervalued gold & precious metals companies in the world.

As the companies we add to the portfolio are meant to take advantage of a much larger macro trend shift, placing a trade immediately after we recommend a stock isn't always necessary, as these are longer term swing trades.

Typically, these trades will be held between several months to a couple years, depending on how the upcoming precious metals bull market plays out.

Because of this extended timeframe, we won't be sending you any update emails (as you're already receiving those for our option trade alerts).

Typically, we will update the portfolio monthly.

This portfolio will cover explorer/developer companies, small producers as well as large producers.

While there will be some volatility in these companies (especially the smaller ones), we expect returns of 100-1000% on most of them.

And some trades will allow you to get in on the "ground floor" of some explorers with the potential to have exponential returns.

So, with that said, we hope to have the portfolio appearing inside the members are of "The Empirical Collective" within a couple of weeks.

As a valued member of The Empirical Collective, I just wanted to give you an update on where what's coming.

Your Minister of Capitalism,
Brett Davison

PS - Stay tuned, as we have a couple more big announcements like this coming soon, as we are exploring a couple other markets as well.