Subject: 🎢 Volatility got you feeling sick?

If you've been trading for any length of time, you know that volatility can be a double edged sword.

If you're on the wrong side of it, it can make you feel sick as you watch the market turn against your positions.

BUT a volatile market also gives you a chance to catch bigger moves.

Of course, trying to gauge this with just your gut is likely to give you nothing but indigestion.

And getting a second opinion never hurts - especially if it's based on the cold hard facts of data.

As we all know, there are no sure things in this game but by using better data we're more likely to improve our odds of success.

With that in mind, there's a unique tool that was brought to our attention that can help with this.

And just in time for labour day, they've got a special trial on for a few days if you're interested.

I hope you have a great day!