Subject: why Booda is the best boyfriend ever


This is Booda.

Sometimes, I think Obi has all the fun. He gets to email you and then have fun little back-and-forth email conversations...while I’m stuck on Twitter. Not today. I’ve decided to take over for Obi and since I love making fun of him, I’m going to write an email as him.


Ok let’s go.


Hey bae,

How you feelin? What are ya snacking on… some kale chips?
Maybe some cashews and dates mixed together?

Me too. I
love snacks, but you know what I love more than snacking?

Working with Booda. He’s pretty much the best biz partner ever, and I want to tell you why, because it’s totally related to romantic relationships.

He isn’t afraid of difficult conversations.

For example, we recently spent the weekend together in Mexico because we wanted to work on some Dude Panel business stuff. When we arrived, instead of starting to work Booda stopped us and said
“Hey dude, let’s make our connection a priority, and talk about anything that’s between us before we do any work." 

And we talked.

We were radically honest and shared anything that was unspoken between us. Stuff about my ex, stuff about him wanting to feel more ownership in Dude Panel, judgements he had about the way we were marketing The Boyfriend Recipe, and everything else that was on our minds.

There were some hard conversations.

In fact, we spent an entire day just talking and bonding, like brothers, and it was the best thing we could have done. See, it would have been easy to gloss over those little things and get to work, but we really believe in the power of honesty, and especially the inconvient honesty, the stuff that causes resentment if you don’t share it.

It made me think of how important that is in relationships. It’s something I still work on, and so does Booda.

It’s the unspoken judgements and resentments that kill relationships, and it doesn’t matter if they are romantic, family or in business.

The great thing was, after we spent a day talking about everything between us, we felt a lot lighter, and way more relaxed. The work we did after that was more fun and we had a great time together, even though Booda schooled me at Connect Four (and Monopoly).

So what are you not saying in your relationships?

What if you could have the conversation that you’re afraid of having with your lover, your friend or your family member? Wouldn’t it feel good to just get it off your chest?

We think so, and it’s why we talked about it so much in The Boyfriend Recipe. In fact, we did our best to give you a formula, to make it as easy as possible.

Radical honesty bae, it’s hard but worth it.

Big snacks and big love,



This is Booda again...

What did you think of my email? Reply and let me know, or hit us up on the Twitter, @dudepanel.
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