Subject: there's something inside of me...

The sun is setting behind the volcanoes…

The clouds have set in real low…

And the rain has been falling gently on the roof for hours.

When the sun does its blueish-orangey-pink nosedive into the clouds, darkness comes with it. At like, 5’o clock. Which isn’t fair…it makes the days here incredibly short.

I sit here like some little kid wanting to go play outside but having to do my division homework first. There is this warm yearning in my belly simmering to the point of explosion––like something heavy and atomic sitting on a 3 legged chair.

What does this have to do with you?

Well, it’s about your boyfriend…and if you don’t have one…it’s about the boyfriend you’re going to get.

He has this thing in him, this desire, this longing…for more…more freedom, more expansion, more life. And it’s important that you know that…

There’s something going on inside of him that—at any moment—could change everything about your relationship…sending it deeper into ecstasy, or sending it pummeling towards the jagged rocks below.

It’s just how he’s built…how all of us dudes are built…

And when you know this thing happening inside of him, you know how to deal with it and your relationship becomes easy.

But when you don’t…

Well…I don’t wish that on anyone…

Booda and I created this recipe video for you to help out. Because, you know, we love you and want the best for you:

While you watch that now I’m going to grab myself a kombucha and plan my evening. (Yes, even in the remote jungles of Guatemala, I’m able to sniff out the hippy with the kombucha stash. What can I say…it’s a talent.)

Cheers babe,

P.S. The rain is coming down hard now. Always feels good to snuggle up with someone when it rains...

Get your snuggle buddy here:

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