Subject: sup babe

It’s Sunday in Medellin…

The birds are chirping, lovely thick-bottomed girls are making arepas on the street corner, and I’m writing to you…


Well, because I
love you…

Also, because it’s election weekend here in Colombia, which means that most restaurant and bars have shuttered their doors and there’s a ban on drinking until the ballots have closed. They don’t want you making boozy decisions...or rioting boozily over decisions made.

It got me thinking about all the questions we get, some of them by women making pretty boozy decisions about their love life.

That’s why, sometime not long ago, Booda and I sat in two tufted wingback chairs, tilted our heads slightly upwards as if stricken by deep thought, and outpoured what we like to call “The 6 principles of Dude Panel”...or more appropriately, “How to Be the Sexy Walkin’, Truth Talkin’, Fully-Expressed, Super Badass Bae of the Universe.”

Or something…

Anyway, you can listen to it here on the podcast:

You’ll also learn:

* The single best way to get a man to fall in love with you (this works on women too!)

* What Booda learned about himself from a burrito-eating, Heineken-drinking neighbor.

* How making people hate you will lead to people loving you. (This feels so wrong but works 100% of the time!)

* What I do to amuse myself when group conversations take a sudden turn for the worse.

* Booda’s revealing reason why you’re not actually confused about men. (It’s a mind trip but you’ll get it!)

* A little known way to make everyone respect you. (This works especially well on guys.)

* And a bunch more…

All that, for FREE, when you go here to snack on our thick, girthy podcast:

Naturally, I’m getting hungry.

Luckily I’m in the land of plantain and guanabanas. I’m gonna go get me some. You stay sexy, k?


P.S. Um, “Love Chemicals

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