Subject: she WAVED at me and it was everything

The following is a true story...

I pulled into Whole Foods for a quick KOMBUCHA stop.

(Yes, I sometimes drive to the grocery store for one item.)

I stepped out of my car and across the parking lot lane I saw a yellow sundress with someone beautiful in it. We met eyes at the same time and...I have no idea what my face was doing but…

…she smiled and waved at me.

The morning sun highlighted her hair and a breeze flowed through her dress like she was from a commercial. But it was the awkward way she waved that did me in. Like it came from her brazen inner child, and her nervousness was trying to pull her hand back at the same time.

I was really caught off guard. I smiled back but then doubted the whole thing.

Was she waving at me?

I looked around. Nobody there.


She nervously jumped into her car and I nervously walked into the grocery and thought to myself—with one move this woman changed the texture of my morning.

Moral of the story?

There are several simple moves you can make to trigger strong feelings in a man. With a flick of your wrist you can get a man to approach you, ask you out, buy you a drink, or even stumble awkwardly into a grocery store. :)

If you want to get more of these simple moves, you should listen to the mp3 on “Love Chemical: Testosterone” in the Boyfriend Recipe here:

"Love Chemical: Testosterone"

Cheers, babe,
1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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