Subject: You made me feel this way

It’s morning…

A bit later than I usually aspire to rise, but not so late that it’s lost that morning stillness. No street-level rush from the paisas in the polos and booty pants making their way to work.

I think back to last week and I find myself content…last week I talked for hours with 5 beautiful ladies from around the world…over 4 hours of vulnerable conversation…and I have to say…

That much openness and sharing of all that’s scary and loving…that’ll do something to you. You’d have to be
dead not to feel it.

I felt inspired to love, to fvck, to be vulnerable, to care, to work, and to be the most real authentic version of me.

I saw the inevitable struggle of relationship, two radically different human beings clutching to that thing at the playground that spins in circles and you have to hold on for dear life and you’re laughing and crying at the same time.

To that thing––
relationship––I say…

Let me not add any unnecessary bullshit to that; let me not grease the rollercoaster; let me not kick the Water Buffalo in the nuts; let me remove the foam from the top of the cappuccino and get straight to the stuff that really makes me high.

That…the removal of all that is in the way of true connection…that is what I want. 

That is my intention.

And I’m telling you this because I think it’s important to walk the walk. Booda and I talk a lot about vulnerability and authenticity and transparency and how that’s the secret sauce to connection. How could I say these things to you if I didn't do them myself?

And so, if you sit there wondering how to make that one guy your boyfriend or how to go deeper with the man you’re already with…let me remind you that it’s quite simple.

Get naked.

And when the light hits your skin and your lacy panties are resting at your ankles…get naked again. Let him see you.

Do this and you’ll have him at your feet…and possibly other delicious body parts. :)


P.S. I wasn’t trying to be poetic or anything, sometimes that’s just how it comes out. When I remove the “stuff”. Here’s me not being poetic…

Go here next if you’d like a little help getting that boyfriend:

1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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