Subject: You inspire me

When we first started, I told you that I wanted some new friends and that I like the idea of talking to you regularly.

As much as you think that you’re benefitting from these letters, I’m benefitting a lot from writing them.

I love hearing your thoughts and getting your feedback and understanding more about women. (Trust me, we guys only have a very cursory idea of what’s happening within the female brain.)

So…thank you. I’ve been inspired.

Which, shouldn’t come as a huge shock—women in general are a man’s greatest challenge and inspiration.

Which I repeat because I want you to know how large you are. (Not your hips—your essence, your everything.)

One of my favorite quotes is by a man named Walt Whitman. He was a poet and a thinker and the owner of one of the Top 3 greatest beards of all time.

He said:

“Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes.”

Love. That.

You are large, vast…the idea of You is bigger than the present you…there is more within you than you are.

So in this moment, whatever you are doing, wherever you are in the world, however you are feeling on the inside—meditate on the idea that you are larger than your present condition.

There is a universe in you…you are the universe.

Use your powers well.


PS. And because we’re friends, I’m going to share a couple songs that I’m especially diggin’ today. Both by one of my favorite bands, and both pretty topical. Enjoy!
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