Subject: When It’s Time To Ditch A Guy You’re Dating

Hey babe, Booda here.

We just got a question that got me all passionate and rant-y, so I thought I’d write to you and talk about it.

A listener wrote in and asked:

“Is it possible for a woman to be TOO into sex? A few guys I've slept with make some comments to me and it got me a little bothered. Here's the rundown from 4 different boyfriends I've had:

(in a shitty tone)
“Yeah I remember you being really into it..."
(after the first time)
“ sex-sharked me"
“Are you like.... a sex addict?

I’d love to say this question is rare, but the truth we get questions like this all the time.

Here’s the deal:

There are men out there who can’t handle your sexual power. I used to be one of them. It scares the fuck out of us to have you show up and bring EVERYTHING that you have. All your desires, all your emotions, all your lust, all your pain, all your sex, all your love. Even men like Obi and I who have done A LOT of work on ourselves to be able to handle you, are still scared, and that’s ok. 

You are THAT powerful.

The men that make comments like these are giving you a clear sign that they are not a good fit for you.

There are men out there who can’t handle you, and this man is one of them. Great. Move on. In fact, you should be grateful he showed his true colors so you don’t have to waste any more of your time.

Only when you get rid of him will there be room for another man to enter.

The man who sees you bring everything you got and says, “Yes. MORE.”

The man who loves your emotions, and your lust, and your desire, and encourages you to get as wild as you possibly can, because he can handle it.

These men are out there, but you won’t meet them unless you’re willing to stop filling your life with men who put you down, call you names or tell you to “relax”.

Please, do me a favor…

Don’t. Relax.

Don’t hold back who you are for anyone. Don’t listen to what society says about what a “good girl” should do, and don’t dim your light to avoid hard break up conversations with men.

There is so much more waiting for you when you are willing to say “no”, when you are willing to stop giving a fuck what people think about you, how they judge you, and how they project their own fears and desires on to you.

They will never stop judging you. They will never stop projecting on to you. They will never stop trying to limit your expression.

Hey, if it were easy, everyone would do it.

So please, go out today and be your wildest, most untamed self, and let people have their reactions to it, whatever they may be. That’s not your business.

And if the man you’re with can’t handle it and tries to put you down. Leave. (Or get a new one:

Life is too short to hold back.


P.S. Reply to this email and tell me how you want to show up in the world. 
Tell me what you think others can’t handle.
1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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