Subject: Use THIS powerful trick from an old shampoo commercial

Wow, so I'm about to give you a powerful trick that's going to blow your mind...

It actually comes from a series of old Herbal Essences commercials from the 90s––and if you use it, I guarantee that men will trip over themselves to meet you.

Okay, so do you remember those commercials? It'd show a woman walking down the street, just after using Herbal Essences for the first time...

She'd have this bounce in her step and every two seconds she'd close her eyes and rub her hands through her hair and smile and moan and pretty much look like she was having an orgasm right there in the street.

Then she'd go along her merry way while EVERYBODY around her watched in awe.

So awesome.

And let's be real: most commercials are full of shit. Even this one. 

No shampoo is going to give you orgasms.

But there IS a very powerful element of truth in these commercials:

When you're feelin' yourself––like really in your body and feeling like the sexiest woman on the planet––men (and women) will stop what they're doing and drink you in.

Even for just a moment. 

Especially guys––we are biologically drawn to beauty.

And there's nothing more beautiful than a woman that's feelin' herself.

So do this:

As you walk into a grocery store or cafe or coffee shop––really, anywhere––pause for one second at the entrance, rub your hands through your hair, smile, shake your head and flick your hair over your shoulder.

This is absolute sexiest way to enter a building. You will command the attention of the room. Men will be in awe.

Boom. ::Obi drops mic::

Gold! I'm telling you, gold.

I can't say what will happen next, but it will be magical.

Until next time, amiga,

PS. So we're having our first LIVE Dude Panel event on Sunday the 26th of this month. If you're anywhere near Southern California, you need to come. Seriously. We want you there. You can meet all your favorite Dudes and we give FREE hugs.

Check it out here:

1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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