Subject: This could be a very long month for you...

Today marks the beginning of a very important time in every man's life.

Today is the start of Wild Card Weekend. (If you don't know what Wild Card Weekend is...shame on you. It's the official beginning of the NFL playoffs.)

Many men, all around the world, will be huddled together, at homes, restaurants, and bars––with snacks!––wildly cheering for their favorite teams. 

You have two options when this happens:

Option 1: Sulk. Become upset that nobody is paying any attention to you. Curse men. 

Option 2: Accept that it will happen. Understand that men need this time. And join in on the festivities. 

If you're single, just know that there are few things sexier than a woman that likes sports. Even if you have to fake it 'till you make it––your efforts will be rewarded.

If you're in a relationship, your man will need you during this very emotional time. If his team is no good, this will be the only festive weekend you'll be forced to endure. But he will be sulky and upset for at least a few hours, if not days.

Be there for him. Comfort him. And whatever you do: DO NOT MENTION THE GAME AT ALL. This will only remind him of what happened and things will only get worse for you.

The Zone will be in full effect this month. If you do not know what "The Zone" is, then watch this instructional video and get acquainted:

That's all for now. As your friend, I felt it important to warn you. Remember, this could be a long month or a great month, but it all depends on how you approach it.

Have fun out there,

1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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