Subject: The secret to dating hot guys

Sorry about yesterday.

I was lying in my hotel room in Managua freaking out and I didn't feel like writing anything.

Then I threw down casheesh on a deposit for a place to stay during Rio Carnival 2014. I woke up feeling inspired to both work and workout. This trip isn't going to pay for itself and after 3 months of eating mainly rice and beans (Nicaraguans don't have much vegetarian variety), my 6-pack has reverted to a 3-and-a-half pack. 

And that just won't cut it on Brazilian beaches where "naked" is a bikini type. 

You see, I want to be the sexiest version of myself. And this is what I want to talk to you about today.

Yesterday, I got a very long email from a subscriber asking about how to attract guys. But not just any guys––super hot model-esque dudes.

And I'm going to make a video about it but I'll give you a quick piece of advice right now:

You can only attract the equivalent of your inner-hotness level. 


That's the sound of minds being blown. 

Okay, so what do I mean by that? Okay, let's use the number scale to make sense of this. (I typically don't like the number scale but I'm going to use it to make this clearer for you.)

If you feel like a 6 on the inside, you will attract a Level 6 man (or lower). That means that no matter what you look like on the outside, if you hate your thighs and you think that you have terrible hair and you have low self-esteem because other women seem more intelligent than you––you're going to attract a guy with a similar level of insecurities and attractiveness.

A Level 6 woman is going to see a Level 10 man and feel insecure. She'll feel like she doesn't deserve him. So how in the hell is she going to attract a man that she doesn't feel like she deserves?

I'll tell you how:

She won't.

Men are hunters. We can sense weakness. And that ish ain't cute.

If you want a hot guy then you have to be hot. And not "hot" by some standard set by magazines aimed at insecure women. I mean that you have to really be the hottest version of you possible. Whatever the ideal is that you have in your mind––be that.

It will be reflected back to you.

But only then.

My hotness bows to your hotness,

1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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