Subject: Should I KILL my friend (for being TOO old)?

I once had a friend––a crazy, eccentric friend––tell me that if he ever made it to the age of 35 that I should kill him.

Yes. Murder.

He told me that by then, he should have accomplished everything he ever wanted, and after age 35 you just get old and die…basically. So why go through that? And as a friend, it was my duty to take him out––samurai style––with honor.

(Keep in mind that we were
maybe 19, and 30-years-old seemed a long long time away.)

Well, he just turned 35 this year…what do you think––should I kill him?


Look, I totally understand the fear of growing old…especially when you’re young.

You look at some old people barely able to walk, forgetting your name, teeth falling out, with hair just a few dry patches here and there…and you think––
who wants that?!

Well, what if I told you that aging doesn’t have to be scary? That you can still stay fresh, vibrant, and…gasp…SEXY even as the grey hairs become abundant.

Well, you’re in luck. I recently recorded a 30-minute video with a mature lady-friend of mine and we talk all about getting older and how to be sexy even as you advance in age. Me-thinks that you should check it out here:

Let me know what you think in the comments section. I’m always curious what you think about these kinds of collaborations.

Much love,

P.S. And if you’re feeling extra spunky, you can watch the video I recorded for her channel here:

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