Subject: I want the little girl in you

So I got hit on by a 3 year old today…and it made my day:

I’m sitting in my car listening to music when a little girl and her grandfather roll by me.

He’s on the phone and she’s smashing down the street in a little pink speeder with training wheels.

She turns and sees me in the car and does a double take…then stops. She gets off her bike, walks back about 5 feet to where I’m parked…and just…looks at me—her head half-tilted and her eyes wide with curiosity.

She stood there looking at me and then smiled and waved. I waved back. We had a moment. Her grandfather then dragged her away.

I sat there and thought about what just happened…

Here was a little girl exploring the things (and people) that interested her…

She wasn’t worried about looking weird or ‘showing too much interest’ or being too forward…

She was purely expressing herself.

Yet somewhere between those pigtails and that 401k, her courageousness will be lost. She’ll
think too much and act too little. She’ll allow the bumps and bruises of her past too determine how much grace she’ll bring to future dances. That Cinderella bandaid that made heartbreak bearable will be replaced with a shield and a flame thrower…

Or not.

Maybe she’ll grow up knowing that all men––whether 3 or 30––will melt into warm puddles of beard and goo when a woman fully in her joy smiles and waves.

But you don't have to take my word for it, because it's not conjecture––it's science.

Get out your rain boots.


P.S. Listen...

The "smile and wave" works almost every time. But when you combine them with "Love Chemical #4", then you're a

Learn more about "Love Chemicals" here: