Subject: I fell in love

Yesterday, I fell in love.

She had long black hair, bangs, and she played the most angelic songs on the ukelele.

I imagined a future together with us on a gondola in the canals of Venice at twilight while Piero Umiliani serenaded us with a harp.

It was magical.

And then, I started thinking about how much work I had to do, what I wanted to eat for lunch, and whether I could get a good deal on an airline ticket if I waited until next week to buy it.

And just like that, I fell out of love.

Sure, my lovesickness began from watching a YouTube video. And, yea, it lasted for all of 5 minutes...

But it was true love...I promise you.

This is how men think. 

We are quick to arouse and we just as quickly forget that we ever had feelings at all.

I heard a wise man say that men are like light switches and women are like dimmer knobs. I can only attest to the truth of the light switch part...I have no idea what women are like. 

But I do know that men fall in love much faster than women do. We are willing to move heaven and earth for a woman that we want.

Keep this in mind when you send in questions asking whether a guy that hasn't texted you in two weeks is actually attracted to you.

If you are perceptive...and you keep your emotional lady-brain out of it...then you will know more about men than you ever have before.

We are simple. Very black and white. Like light switches.

I promise you.

I'm working on something that will make this all very easy for you to understand. Expect it in about 2 weeks.

Until then, watch this video on what I think about "love":

Talk to you soon, bebe,

PS. If you want a song that will melt your panties off, listen to Piero Umiliani's "Crepuscolo Sul Mare"...on repeat...all day. You're welcome.

1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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