Subject: How to date a superhero, part deaux

Someone really smart once said that a hero ‘is a self-driven, value intoxicated doer.’

I would say the same thing about most guys.

And if he’s not already, then he aspires to be.

97.3% of a man’s daily thoughts are about his purpose in life. And when he’s not actively focused on achieving it, then he’s laying around stressed about whether he’s working hard enough.

Have you ever seen Schindler’s List?

There’s this great scene at the end where the Nazis have lost the war and Liam Neeson has to flee or he’ll be caught and imprisoned. There’s all this dramatic tension built up as he leans against his car in tears. 

He looks at all the workers he helped save from concentration camps. They’re both thanking him for all he’s done and trying to get him to leave at the same time…

But he’s crumpled and crying saying things like:

‘This car…this car could have saved five more lives…’

‘This suit…two…two more lives…’

‘This ring…’

After all he’s done he still doesn’t feel like he’s done enough.

This is a good man. This is a hero.

So when you go to a guy with a problem and you want to “talk”, please understand that his brain is wired purely to solve your problem.

I know, I know…you just want to talk and vent…and any man that realizes this will do his best to listen…

But I hope you understand than when you’re speaking, he hears nothing––all he sees are those green lines of code coming down from the Matrix, and he’s picking out all the relevant characters and formulating a solution.

So please don’t get upset when he responds with an answer. Sure, all you wanted to do was get some things off your chest, but all he wants to do is save you.

All he wants is to be your hero.

Humor him. Let him be a superhero for just one moment, and he will act the part for the rest of the day. (This will be good for you––trust me.)

Deny him that, and the rest of the day he’ll be hunched over, in pain, muttering…

This ring…

This ring…

Enrique Iglesias

PS. Where you can find a superhero:

1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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