Subject: Hey...I still love you

Hey you,

I know it's been some time since we last talked.

So much has changed but there are a few things that have stayed the same:

I still drink green juices as I write to you, I'm still wearing v-neck t-shirts, the sunsets in LA remain epic...and I still have mad love for you.

I'm in your inbox today because I want to share an experience I had recently. After reading it, you’ll have a better understanding of what men find attractive which will help if you’re single and want a relationship. 

(So will this video:

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I had a conversation about whether some women are seen as "lesser" in the eyes of men because of their age or shape. The idea was: if you don't look like Rihanna on the cover of Vogue then men won't want a relationship with you.

I hear this story a lot. I hear women use it as an excuse for why their single. 

And I just need to tell you...that it's bullshit.

The only barrier to having that dream relationship is within your own mind.

You are not seen as lesser in the eyes of "men" because of your age or shape.

Firstly, why is it important to be accepted by 'Men'? You will never be attractive to all men, and that's fine. You are not interested in dating ALL men, just that ONE man who loves your shape and your essence as it is.

Yes it's true: if you're less than pleasing to a man's eye then you will be overlooked when it comes to romantic relationships. But why is this made into a bad thing? 

Men are visual. We always will be. It's built into our biology. If you wish to be accepted, then you must accept this fact.

But here's the deal:

There is no ONE universally accepted body type. So though you may be 'less than pleasing' to some men, you are indeed MORE than pleasing to others.

I only date beautiful women. 

But if you look at all the women I've dated, NONE of them fit into the idea of "beautiful" that the American media has done an incredible job of making you believe. If we're to judge my exes based on magazine covers, then I've dated a lot of 'less than pleasing' women.

No magazine or movie or daytime talk show is going to tell me what's attractive. 

I don't give a fuck about society at large when I choose who to begin romantic relationships with. I don't give a fuck about whether "Women" find me attractive. All I care about is whether SHE finds me attractive––the woman I'm dating.

One major reason that I began Dude Panel is because I'm tired of hearing these stories. I'm tired of the stories about What Men Want that have been put out into society. And I'm tired of the stories that women have running in their heads about why they are not in the relationships that they want.


This is the gospel and I will preach it until Google self destructs and we can no longer make YouTube videos.

I will squash every attempt by women or media to perpetuate these bullshit stories.

And I may or may not do it with finesse. :)

I tell you this because I love you.

I want to see you wrapped in the arms of a man that loves your body AND your essence.

But for that to happen you have to give us a chance. You really do.

You have to drop the story. It isn't true. It's not. It's not true. It isn't.


Love yourself with the force of a thousand nurturing mothers and these stories become irrelevant and men will fall abundantly at your feet like the first snows of Winter.

But not until then.

With mucho love,

PS. Booda and I created a video that make good men attracted to you like a magnet.

You should watch it here:
1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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