Subject: He doesn't text back? Screw 'em!


I like you.

I think you’re a good person and you deserve a long life full of joy, love and happiness. So why are you letting text message etiquette bother you?

We get these email all the time here at DudePanel. Women complain becuase men don’t text them back, or they leave in the middle of a text “conversation”.

But w
here is the agreement that says he must text you back because you texted him?

Where are the rules of text etiquette?

There aren’t fact there aren’t any rules at all.

But you might think there are. You made up a story that if someone doesn’t text you back it’s rude, and you get offended.

Guess what? Now they
own you.

That’s right, they own you and all your power as well. All they have to do is not text you back and you get upset. You are a puppet for their flakiness.

I want you to have an awesome life, so I really don’t want to see you do this to yourself.

You have so much going for you and there are so many people that love you, why would you waste your time stressing over someone who didn’t text you back?

The next time someone doesn’t text you back and you get upset, here’s what to do.

Step 1: Put down the phone
Step 2: Walk to a mirror
Step 3: Repeat out loud:
"I’m too smart to let this bullshit bring me down."
Step 4: Give yourself a genuine compliment.
Step 5: Go do something you love.

Never forget how incredible you are.

1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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