Subject: Everything has to be his idea

So we got a question from a subscriber today...

Sam asks:

"Why is he not over his ex, and how can I encourage him to move on?"

. . .

This one is easy, Sam...

It's easy for me to answer and (probably) hard for you to hear.

Firstly, I have no idea why he's not over his ex. Emotional attachment is hard to break.

And as far as what you can do to help him break through that?


There's absolutely nothing that you can do to encourage a man to get over his ex––he has to do that on his own.

It has to be his idea.

I wish I could give you some magic formula or some special thing to say...

But it doesn't exist.

Until he's over her, your relationship is going to be volatile. They have a personal history, perhaps longer than yours.

All you can do is be you.

If his emotional inconsistency is too difficult for you to manage at this time, then maybe its best that you not date until he's completely congruent with what he wants.

Always remember: don't date potential, date him as he is.

That's all.

See you tomorrow,

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