Subject: Everybody is full of crap

Everybody is full of shit. 

That was the first note of the new year I typed drunkenly into my iPhone at 3:30am in 2013.

At the time, I wrote it in anger, but I kept it in my phone because it became more and more profound as the year went on.

I'll tell you why in just a second, but first, an email we received (addressed to me) at Dude Panel HQ:

. . .

Why are you so afraid of losing your privileged position that you have to try to convince women that unless they play into oppressive gender stereotypes you won't find them attractive?

-- TJ

. . .


Apparently TJ didn't like one of my videos. She hated it. And now she's confronting me on my decision to convince women that they're unattractive unless they fit into the Obi Ideal of Female Hotness.

Except for the fact that I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.

All I do––in my videos and in these emails––is express my opinion. 


Just my thoughts based on my life experiences and how I'm feeling in the moment.

That's it.

However, it was enough to cause TJ to create a story in her mind about what my mission in life is. 

And her problem is the same problem that a lot of people on the planet deal with: they allow their feelings to be controlled by the opinions of others.

And the problem with that is...

Everybody is full of shit.

Now, in general, I think people are wonderful, filled with endless creative potential, and beautiful world-shattering ideas. And I love to engage people in lively discourse or deep, soul-scraping conversations. 

But I don't let useless words linger in my brain for longer than they need. I don't find offense to these words, or the people that spoke them. I take what's useful, and ignore the rest.

Because opinions don't matter.

Your parents opinions don't matter.

Your ex-boyfriend's opinions don't matter.

Even the opinions of the Dudes on this panel don't matter.

They are just ideas.

Take what's useful, discard the rest. 

Do this, and your days will be filled with joy and orgasms and cotton candy and you'll never gain a pound, ever––I guarantee it.


Your friend,

PS. So, yea, this Dude Panel Live thing is REALLY happening and it's going to be the event of the year. Bigger than the Superbowl. Bigger than your birthday. 

So if you or any of your friends are in Southern California this Sunday, come check us out:

1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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