Subject: Do you make THIS mistake with men?

"What are some of the biggest misconceptions women have about men?" –– Kay

. . .

The biggest misconception woman have about men is that we make our decisions about who to date with reason and logic.

It's confusing, I know.

Almost every other decision a man makes is cerebral. 

He rolls it around in his mind. He researches. He makes pro/con lists.

And you think he does the same thing when it comes to whether or not he wants to have a relationship with you.

That's why you want to sit down and "talk" about it. Discuss it. Hash it out.

But the truth is...when it comes to women...97% of a man's decisions are biological.

For example:

The two of you have "the talk" and he says that he's not ready for a relationship.

But two weeks later, you seem him strolling hand-in-hand down the street with a woman he calls his "girlfriend".

What happened? Did he suddenly become ready?

No. He was probably ready the whole time. But talking about it didn't trigger the feelings he needed to move forward.

Yes––he wants to feeeel.

Men make emotional decisions when it comes to women.

That's why your ex keeps coming back.

That's why that dude threw a hissy-fit when you rejected him.

That's why having "the talk" almost never works.

Learn how to trigger a man's positive emotions and you've learned the secret of getting anything you want.

I'll expand on this later...


PS. Here's a few tips on how to get him to open up:

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