Subject: A not-so-secret thing men want

Please excuse what comes next...

My head feels like it's in a vice grip and I'm alternating between being extremely cold and deliriously hot...

I just arrived to San Diego yesterday for a conference AND Dude Panel Live...

But I've been locked in my room, suffering from allergies.

I tell you this because I not-so-secretly want you to tell me that everything is going to be alright. I want you to hold me and make me warm tea and sing me a lullaby.

I want to be nurtured.

Because, even though we like to put on the strong face and go out into the world as conquerors...

Inside, we dudes love the idea of being taken care of. 

With every breakfast you prepare, every gentle touch to the face, every sweet word of encouragement...

You work your way deeper into his heart.

. . .

And now I'n going to go put on a blazer and do my best I-feel-amazing impression while I attend a potluck with Booda.

You stay classy, babe,

1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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