Subject: 5 ways to make ANY man want to commit (welcome to the inside)

Hey beautiful,

It’s Obi here…

And I want to thank you right now for registering to view “5 Ways to Make ANY Man Want to Commit”.

If you haven't seen it yet, you should click on the link below to watch it immediately.

(Thousands of women have watched in the last few days and the response has been awesome.)

“5 Ways to Make ANY Man Want to Commit”

Booda and I give you 5 really easy, super simple ways to trigger the love chemicals in a man’s brain, and make him FEEL, on a biological level, that you’re the woman for him…which will make him super excited to commit and enjoy a long-term relationship with you.

(And if you don’t know what “love chemicals” are, click here to watch a free informational video about them:

Just a reminder, you're now subscribed to our VIP email newsletter, which is read by thousands of women…

And you'll notice that it’s filled with powerful tips, tricks and stories to help you express yourself more honestly, and become the woman that you know you could be.

Also, I sometimes share new videos filled with helpful information that we don’t share on the Dude Panel YouTube channel.

(Our subscribers love these the most.)

But if you decide that you don't want to have inside access to these special emails, you can choose to stop receiving them with the link below, however...

If you're a woman who really enjoys men and wants to have successful relationship with them (long-term or short)…AND you’re super passionate about growth, then you should stay here on the inside with me. (It’s nice and warm here and there’s hot chocolate and cuddling.)


Watch the “5 Ways to Make ANY Man Want to Commit” video if you haven't yet and I’ll talk to you soon.

Much love,


Please remember, this is a special newsletter written ONLY for positive, growth-oriented, open-minded women who want to have amazing relationships with men, and are willing to leave their stories at the front door and become the women that they know they could be.

If that's not you…please leave.


Special Dude Panel Program:
The Boyfriend Recipe

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