Subject: shh!! ... This is a surprise event!

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Dear Friend,

shh!! ... This is a surprise event for Abdul-Hakeem Muhammad

It's the Appreciation Team here again - we hope that you're well!

As we mentioned to you last week, this year 2021 marks over 30 years of service of Student Minister Abdul-Hakeem Muhammad (formerly known as Hilary Muhammad), the European Regional Representative of The Honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan and The Nation of Islam.

Brother Minister Abdul-Hakeem has been working over three decades across the UK and Europe to help and educate our people with the knowledge of self to build a better community for ourselves. His spectrum of ministerial, social and leadership initiatives include social and spiritual reform, economic upliftment, and educational empowerment. He has led the community in challenging the UK government with ‘Lift the Ban’ in 2001 and recently Lambeth Council and the MPS with a victory in our rights to freedom of speech. These initiatives and programmes have impacted and uplifted the lives of many in our communities.

Brother Abdul-Hakeem Muhammad has maintained an outstanding record of service, trustworthiness and integrity throughout his years of service.

We desire to mark this steadfast demonstration of consistency and longevity of service to the community, with an esteemed Celebration Gala on Saturday 14th August 2021 and invite you to attend. The Gala will include live entertainment, music, dining and special guests.

"Give them their flowers while they live."

If you would like to attend this esteemed celebration and/or make a love donation, please do get in touch with us via:  so we can RSVP your ticket as soon as possible.

We look forward to you joining us on this special occasion. Feel free also to invite your family and friends to this community appreciation celebration event.

Kind regards,

The NOI European Region & The Spiritual Injection

Appreciation Team


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