Subject: Nagging At Your Child Doesn't Work? Try This.


Mark from The Happy Pianist here! 

Yay, we have completed 1 month of circuit breaker.

But I know... 1 more month to go. :(

During this past month where I'm at home 99% of the time, I realise something about myself.

I nag a lot at my child.

I find myself repeating instructions, again and again... and my boy still don't get it.

And worse, sometimes he do the opposite of what I say.

Do you feel the same?

I thought the problem is with my child, until I talk to my friend and mentor, Darren.

Darren is a Family Coach with Focus On The Family Singapore, Master NLP Practitioner, and Action Learning Coach. He was previously awarded SAF NSman of the Year in 2016. 

He advised me that I can change my communication language in a way that not only my child will understand, but will also be motivated to take action.

And he has been coaching many parents how to communicate with their kids, to bring out the best in them, in studies and other areas of their lives too.

This Sunday, he will be conducting a Free webinar to share with you how you can communicate with your child, in a way that increases his motivation in studies, and beyond.
Date: 3rd May 2020, Sunday
Time: 8pm to 9pm
Admission: Free Webinar - completely free, no selling or promotion involved. 

I'm sharing this as I know that as a parent yourself, you will want the best for your child too.

With this circuit breaker, we have to stay at home most of the time, and face our child the whole day.

Instead of just nagging, we can take this chance to motivate them and bring the best out of them :)

I'll be attending the webinar to learn as well.

So do sign up, and see you there! :)

Mark Ng
The Happy Pianist
The Happy Pianist connects potential piano students to qualified and experienced piano teachers in Singapore. A free service for parents and students with no hidden fees, no admin fee, no registration fee. 

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