Subject: ~Pirate Lady Ditches Meds, Loses 20 Lbs! (Pic!)

~Pirate Lady Ditches Meds, Loses 20 Lbs! (Pic!)

November 4th, 2016 at 7:23 am PDT

~Pirate Lady Ditches Meds, Loses 20 Lbs! Today, the average 65-year-old is doped on meds, moving sluggishly through life... These same people could be out mentoring their grandkids, tasting wines in Italy, riding their ...

~Alaskan Bush Pilot Ditches Meds for This!

November 3rd, 2016 at 12:31 pm PDT

Pilot Says, "No More Gout, Skyrocketing Sugar Levels or High Blood Pressure...I Ditched The Meds." As we age, the goal is to do more, not less. But as One Nation Under Drugs, most people are being suffocated by theirmeds ...

True Joint-Rejuvenating Pill (Pic!)

October 31st, 2016 at 2:09 pm PDT

True Joint-Rejuvenating Pill Labor-intensive jobs can be hard on the joints. Just ask Joseph…that's him in the awesome pic above! Want to know what he's so happy about? He ditched the meds and his joints are feeling b ...

~ A Dire Message About BP Med Fraud

October 28th, 2016 at 2:58 pm PDT

Friend, Earlier, I sent out a 2-minute health brief about how BP meds operate in the body...outlining their overt toxicity and deadly nature. I also showcased the proven alternatives, which are hawthorn, garlic, grapeseed extract and magnesium ...

~2 Minute Health Brief: How BP Meds Harm You!

October 28th, 2016 at 7:39 am PDT

Friend, As a chemist and pilot, I designed Cardio FX to help fellow aviators ditch the damn BP meds...Nothing can be more dangerous than a pilot who has slowed reaction time and low energy caused by these common drugs! So, when I get emails from ...

~New VID: #1 Cause of Low Testosterone! (Not Age!)

October 27th, 2016 at 9:22 am PDT

Friend, don't lose it with age! My all new, 1 minute video highlights the real causes of dwindling testosterone! Beware! Some guys (wives, too) will hate this video...but sorry to say, it's 100% truth...except for the "mud wre ...

~ Pre-Diabetes Gone in 2 Weeks with This!

October 26th, 2016 at 7:08 am PDT

Friend, If stacked in cash, annual pharmaceutical profits would occupy two thousand stacks of bills. Each one would be as high as the Empire State Building! Imagine, you would have more stacks of money than there are tall buildings in Los Angeles. ...

~CEO: Low Stock Alert!

October 25th, 2016 at 9:33 am PDT

Friend, As CEO of I’m amazed at our growth over the years. Our motto of “ditch your meds” is catching on faster than anyone expected. Fact is, people are sick and tired of being lied to and suffering from side-effects. ...

~2 Simple Ways to Boost Immunity...Better Than Vaccines!

October 22nd, 2016 at 12:24 pm PDT

Friend, "Biological nasties" are everywhere. From impetigo, MRSA, strep, ringworm, to the the flu, you name it, it's around you all the time. …It’s disgusting, actually. A single gram of feces can contain more than 10 million viruses, 1 mill ...

~Blood Pressure Cure SALE Ends in Hours! Don't wait!

October 21st, 2016 at 7:17 am PDT

Ultra-Potent Hawthorn SALE Ends in Hours (BONUS OFFER INCLUDED!) Yesterday, I unleashed one of my biggest sales yet on my hawthorn based product, Cardio FX. For a few short hours you can still take advantage of my offer ...

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