Subject: ~The Greatest Heart Medicine!

~The Greatest Heart Medicine!

July 27th, 2017 at 7:53 am PDT

I've been fascinated with medicine since I was 14 years old. At 42, that interest still runs deep. It carried me through college, then graduate school where I graduated with a masters degree in medicinal chemistry. The one question that pushed my ...

~GroWIng Pains: Customer Appreciate Sale! (Only 24 Hours Left!)

July 26th, 2017 at 12:07 pm PDT

Friend, My 15 year old daughter, Lily, recently qualified for USA Olympic Weightlifting Nationals. Last year she placed 15th. This year she was aiming for top 5. We trained all year. We drove all over the state to compete. And 4 weeks out, she qu ...

~Goals: Move Forward Even If You Have to Crawl!

July 26th, 2017 at 6:34 am PDT

Friend, The first goal I can remember setting was to be a state champion wrestler. That was a long shot...I failed miserably. Then, it was to graduate high school. That one I met! And in a huge stroke of luck it turned into a wrestling scholarship ...

Yea, I was a raft guide!

July 19th, 2017 at 3:13 pm PDT

Just after my junior year in college, I was awarded a research grant from Howard Hughes Medical Institute. I was stoked! It paid well and I was guaranteed an unmatched laboratory experience in biochemistry. But, it was only 3 days a week. I needed ...

~How This Pill Helps Exercise Response! (True Cinnamon in Action!)

July 18th, 2017 at 2:39 pm PDT

Friend, My true-cinnamon based product, Cinnergy, is flying off the shelf, as usual. ...a bit more today since exposing "Almond Milk" for the sugary-chemical shit storm it is, earlier this morning. Apparently, most people are just now realizing th ...

~How This Pill Helps Exercise Response! (True Cinnamon in Action!)

July 18th, 2017 at 2:31 pm PDT

Friend, My true-cinnamon based product, Cinnergy, is flying off the shelf, as usual. ...a bit more today since exposing "Almond Milk" for the sugary-chemical shit storm it is, earlier this morning. Apparently, most people are just now realizing th ...

~~F@ck Almond Milk!

July 18th, 2017 at 7:16 am PDT

Putting almond milk into a smoothie is as stupid as accepting rap into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It doesn’t belong. Tupac said, “Reality is wrong. Only dreams are for real.” And my dream is to never mix gangster rap with the corpor ...

ALERT: Type 3 Diabetes! (3 Ways to Remedy!)

July 17th, 2017 at 2:14 pm PDT

Type 3 diabetes occurs when Type 2 continues to debilitate the body...both are a disease of too much sugar. In a healthy body, sugar is taken up by cells and used as fuel in the mitochondria - in response to insulin release. If sugar is not taxie ...

Columbus Hooked You On Sugar?

July 15th, 2017 at 8:11 am PDT

*|MC:SUBJECT|* How Christopher Columbus Raised Your Triglycerides And What To Do About It! The term sugar refers to sucrose, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup and milk sugar ...

Daily Dose of this Enhances Focus, Protects Memory (Yes, it's true.)

July 14th, 2017 at 9:01 am PDT

Sadly, there's an epidemic of memory loss and dementia. Science from all over the world has shown the cause to be an epidemic of sugar use. It's known as Type 3 diabetes. The Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology made it official when they ...

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