Subject: ~Your BP Meds Making You Feel Lousy? Try this....

~Your BP Meds Making You Feel Lousy? Try this....

April 16th, 2018 at 2:57 pm PDT

Friend, Blood pressure meds are making people feel so lousy that over 50% are getting off of them...and lying about it to their doctor. No surprise there... BP meds are notorious for causing weight gain, depression, diabetes and even cancer! As a ...

~Missing from most diets...

April 15th, 2018 at 8:09 am PDT

The one thing missing from most diet is healthy fats… Breakfast, lunch and dinner...most people aren't getting the fats they need for proper hormone function! Healthy fats help your body better absorb lifesaving supplements. Without healthy fats, ...

~Make Meal Planning Easier!

April 14th, 2018 at 7:01 am PDT

Friend, We have 4 kids and they all eat 3 times per that's 126 meals a week, 504 per month...our kitchen is always being cleaned! Thus, meal planning is critical in our family! It ensures that everyone is fueled and nobody has to resor ...

~Saw Palmetto Purity!

April 13th, 2018 at 3:06 pm PDT

Friend, "Prostate cancer may be the most common non-skin cancer in the human race. Most men, if they live long enough, will develop the disease. And yet, prostate cancer is also extremely unlikely to kill you. After five years, the survival rate ...

Which Prostate Supplement is Best?!?

April 13th, 2018 at 7:42 am PDT

Friend, In your quest to free yourself from annoying urination problems, you may have Googled "prostate health supplements." Unfortunately, when you use "Google University" to hunt down health facts…you break TPC (The People's Chemist) Life Rule ...

CEO: Hawthorn Protecting Your Heart and Blood?

April 12th, 2018 at 1:38 pm PDT

Friend, …people are ditching blood thinners in record numbers for Cardio FX. And our supply has hit rock bottom. Good news, all current orders are shipping. But, I’ve got to get manufacturing updates from Shane and prepare our shipping house ...

~Mayo Clinic on Milk Thistle Detox!

April 12th, 2018 at 7:47 am PDT

Let's face it, if your alive, your liver is taking a beating... Energy drinks, juice, fast food, meds, synthetic vitamins, and alcohol are all attacking it... Fortunately, the liver is programmed to heal itself when you give your body the fuel req ...

~9 Must Have Remedies!!

April 11th, 2018 at 6:20 am PDT

Friend, When I was writing 3 Worst Meds, I was teaching my kids about ethnobotany. Especially my oldest daughter, Lily. Ethnobotany is the scientific study of the traditional knowledge and customs of a people concerning plants and their medical, ...

~How Sugar Ages You (And What To Do About It!)

April 10th, 2018 at 5:00 pm PDT

Friend, Sugar’s ability to age you is a well known fact... Once consumed, it revs up a biological process known as “cell division.” Normally, this allows your body to repair itself. But, with excess sugar, it forces cells to divide prematur ...

~All About Positivity? 2 Hours Left for FREE Shipping! (RUSH!!!)

April 10th, 2018 at 9:40 am PDT

Friend, The first lesson I taught my daughter when she started her luxury soap biz ( was: Always Keep It Positive! And that means firing customers who insist on being negative... "You block them from email and you tag t ...

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