Subject: ...the egg!

...the egg!

And I'm not talking about egg whites!

I'm talking about the WHOLE egg!

You could have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

It's the perfect food!


Because the egg is the best source of muscle building amino acids and
protein. It doesn't raise your fat storing hormones...and it helps you fee
full, faster, so you don't over eat.

It's also rich in the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the
eyes and the arteries! It gets better. Eating and egg also gives you
natural forms of vitamins A and D, natural beta-carotene, and choline for
a healthy nervous system, and plenty of tother vitamins, essential fatty
acids, and trace minerals.

And nearly all of this nutritional value is found in the yolk!!!

The egg white is an excellent source of protein, but otherwise, it is a nutritional

Big Food want's to tell you otherwise...

They'vecapitalized on the misguided belief that yolks are bad, by
packaging whites in cartons upon which they stick flawed health claims.

Conagra’s Egg Beaters Original takes this further by acknowledging that
egg whites are missing many nutrients, so they “enrich” their product
with synthetic vitamins, minerals, and beta carotene for color. They also
add “flavor”, although Conagra does not disclose what it is. The added
“spices” could be anything, including the excitotoxin MSG and chemical

Therefore, eating the fake sh#t, you risk:

- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- Cancer
- Depression

Ditch the fake sh#t, eat the real sh#t!

If you're swallowing fake vitamins via a multi-vitamin, then you're really
hammering your health!

Learn how your multi might be harming you at

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. I've posted LOW STOCK ALERTS on Relief FX and Immune FX!
Hurry to get your order before sold out at