Subject: ~Men! Get more testosterone! Here's how!

~Men! Get more testosterone! Here's how!

February 8th, 2019 at 1:28 pm PDT

Friend, You won't believe these results... Anyone with a pulse could use better testosterone balance, output and sensitivity (BOS). Sadly, most guys and gals are losing the hormone battle. Sugar, alcohol, birth control, artificial flavors, lack of ...

~CEO: Vaccine Choice?

February 8th, 2019 at 8:17 am PDT

One of the most hotly debated topics among parents today is the question, “To vaccinate, or not??” As a parent, I’ve had to research so I could make an informed decision for my own daughter. My wife and I chose not to. And we’re apparently ...

~My wife after 4 kids, at 40 Years Old (Recent Pic!)

February 7th, 2019 at 7:18 am PDT

Friend, You can't be overweight and healthy at the same time... I've been living this mantra my entire life. Though, I haven't always been at my perfect weight. There was a time when I ate candy (Nerds), drank Mountain Dew and regularly had meatb ...

~Doctor Can't Believe Effects of Hawthorn (FREE Shipping!)

February 6th, 2019 at 1:17 pm PDT

If you're lucky enough to survive a heart attack, most doctors are going to give you a fistful and prescriptions and send you on your merry way... Not Scott…he refused the meds! “On Dec 24th, 2014 I had a heart attack in the outbacks of norther ...

~2 Minutes 39 Seconds! (Very Limited Time Offer!)

February 5th, 2019 at 2:37 pm PDT

Now, more than any time in history, people are ditching their meds to live a healthier, more active life! Chemo too! A recent comment on TPC Case Study #1 reads, "Every person I knew who had chemo is dead. I counted 43 since 1979. They lived a poor ...

~Chemist Report: This Works Better Than Diabetic Meds!

February 5th, 2019 at 6:31 am PDT

When it comes to anti-diabetic drugs, your doctor can choose from a host of options or prescribe multiple types of medications known collectively as hypoglycemics. Most popular are Avandia (rosiglitazone maleate), Actos (pioglitazone hydrochloride), ...

~What Will You Have To Sacrifice? Ask Blair...(Pic)

February 1st, 2019 at 2:32 pm PDT

Making a Commitment Requires a Sacrifice... My 13 year old Blair is not a natural athlete. Wrestling comes very hard. He's horrible at gymnastics. And lacks flexibility... These are the worst traits for a wrestler. ...

~Baby Boomer Doctor Speaks Out!?

February 1st, 2019 at 7:31 am PDT

I've got four kids living under my roof! ..and last night at dinner we had to have a talk about being a "millennial." Millennials are known for their unfettered ability to waste hours on end on social media, mooch off the government and seek recog ...

~Yale-Trained Doctor: "Get off these meds!"

January 31st, 2019 at 8:42 am PDT

Stop everything you're doing for 3 minutes! Dr. Peter Gøtzsche, MD. — a Danish physician, professor, medical researcher, and leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center in Copenhagen, Denmark — has warned that, “The pharmaceutical industry has a hug ...

~Proof! Lower Your A1C Without Meds!

January 30th, 2019 at 3:03 pm PDT

Friend, It's hard to know what to take for blood sugar. There's so many choices and wild claims, most people are fed up. They don't want to waste time and money...But if you're having issues with high blood sugar, you'll want to know about Cin ...

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