Subject: ~Why I have the BEST Customer Service!

~Why I have the BEST Customer Service!

March 21st, 2019 at 5:07 pm PDT

Friend, Orders are flying out at warp speed. I'm restocking products faster than a baby boomer can send an email to complain about my "choice of words." And my customer service is firing customers left and right. It happens with the push of the ...

~Dead In 18 Months...Don't Let It Happen To You!

March 21st, 2019 at 11:00 am PDT

There's a deadly scenario that's becoming all too common. A simple prostate check-up leads to: 1. A diagnosis of either swollen prostate or cancer 2. Meds and/or radiation 3. Then early death I get emails weekly illustrating the horrific outcome: ...

~Gout Gone In Days (True Story!)

March 21st, 2019 at 7:42 am PDT

Friend, Yes! We are shipping all domestic orders over $89 for FREE! That includes Joint FX, which is one of my most popular creations! You can't deny Joint FX when you have measurable results like these: "I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis ...

~The Go-To Heart Cure

March 20th, 2019 at 3:18 pm PDT

Initially, I designed my hawthorn-rich, Cardio FX for pilots. As a fellow airman, I understood that pilots needed to control blood pressure and increase oxygen absorption without meds. Cardio FX became the go-to, "heart cure." Any prescription med ...

~The Lost Sleep Cure That Slows Aging!

March 19th, 2019 at 3:25 pm PDT

And just like that, we are now shipping all products from The People's Chemist! Last week we hit bottom on Essential Greens and almost Daily Dose. We've recovered and all orders are going out within 12 hours! That means we are crushing it on all ...

~How to Cheat Your Way Into College...(PIC)

March 18th, 2019 at 5:01 am PDT

How To Cheat Your Way Into College... College used to be “awarded” to people based on merit. It was an achievement for those who applied themselves in high school and proved their academic chops through dedication, f ...

High Triglycerides from Columbus?

March 17th, 2019 at 2:25 pm PDT

*|MC:SUBJECT|* How Christopher Columbus Raised Your Triglycerides And What To Do About It! The term sugar refers to sucrose, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup and milk sugar ...

~CEO: Greens Back in Stock!

March 17th, 2019 at 10:23 am PDT

Friend, Essential Greens was OUT OF STOCK late last week... It's back now! When The People's Chemist set out to make a truly natural greens product, he wanted to achieve 3 things: 1. Provide a product that would boost ...

~Most Important Chemical Reaction In Your Body!

March 16th, 2019 at 4:19 pm PDT

There are billions of chemical reactions that make up human function. I’m only concerned with one. It’s known as phosphorylation. Forget memorizing that; it’s not even on your computer’s spell-check list. All you need to know is that ...

~CEO: What if you don't get your greens?

March 13th, 2019 at 3:09 pm PDT

Friend, When The People's Chemist set out to make a truly natural greens product, he wanted to achieve 3 things: 1. Provide a product that would boost your micro-nutrient intake that was guaranteed to be free of pesticides. (Would you believe that ...

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